April Announcements
/Sleep in Heavenly Peace- The Thursday night women’s group will be doing a bedding drive for SHP. Twin size mattress pads, pillows and solid colored twin comforters are needed. Please bring these items to the church and drop off in the collection bed in the foyer from April 6-13. Please contact Toni Varner at 618-795-5785 for more information.
Salvation Army- On the first and third Thursdays of each month we have the privilege of providing lunch for the clients who utilize the food pantry at Salvation Army. This is a special time of getting to know people in our community. We’ve served 610 meals over the past year! The meals are served from 1-2:15 pm and we need a rotation of people to set up and serve. You can sign up to provide food or volunteer on the Meal Trains below.
April 3: Tacos
April 17: Sloppy Joes
May 1: Soup and Sandwiches
Palm Sunday- April 13 is Palm Sunday and we’d love for our Bridge Kids to come in waving palm branches. If your kiddos (PreK and up) would like to participate in this part of the worship service, please have them checked in and bring them to the K/1st grade classroom by 9:55. After marching in, they will go directly to their classrooms.
The Bridge Teens will also be involved in this celebration, calling us to worship, reading scripture, serving communion and performing a powerful skit.
Maundy Thursday- This service commemorates the night Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples, just before the crucifixion. Join us on April 17 at 7:00 pm, as we sing familiar worship hymns, and listen to selected readings, before sharing the Lord’s Supper.
Easter Sunday- Join us at 10:00 am on April 20th. The Bridge Choir and chamber orchestra will offer a beautiful sacrifice of praise to our King Jesus and what he did for us on the cross.
Grief Support Group- If you are experiencing grief from a loss, we invite you to join our grief support group- a bridge of hope, for those who are suffering. The group meets every other Tuesday from 9:30-11:00 am in the Adult Education Room. To enroll, talk to Eileen Cheatham or sign up HERE.
Feast: A Bridge Women’s Ministry Event- This one day event features teaching on the historical and cultural context of Scripture brought to you by Kristi McClelland. Invite your friends for teaching, worship, lunch and an opportunity to connect with other women in our Bridge Family. Register to attend this event on April 26 on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/28
Stay Connected- Have you been wondering how to stay up to date with what’s happening at The Bridge or how to connect with other people at the church? Here are a couple of ways.
•If you’re on Facebook, request to join The Bridge Family group. This is where we share prayer requests, needs, upcoming events, songs for Sunday worship and more.
•To register for events, view the church calendar, and join the directory, you’ll want to download the Church Center app and select Bridge to Grace as your church.
Bridge Teens- Youth Group meets every Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00 pm. We will be meeting in the Youth Room in the basement through the end of April. See you there!
As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.
April 2, 9am-12pm: Lewis & Clark Community College Job Fair
April 6, 12pm-4pm: Pop-Up Clothing Swap at Mineral Springs Mall
April 15, 5pm-7pm: Alton Main Street Spring Volunteer Mixer
April 26, 9am-1pm: Riverlands Native Plant Festival
Ministry Opportunities- God has equipped every member of the church to serve, using your unique passions, talents and gifts. If you’ve been part of the Bridge Family for a while and are looking for a place to serve, we want to help you. Contact Pastor Steven or Natalie to get plugged in.
None Greater- Learning from the past while living in the present. Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the Adult Education Room as we look at Old Testament lessons that reveal God’s unending love for us. Class is led by Dan Nickel and Ben Meydam.
Abide- How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us?
In three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. Join us for our Spring study, beginning on March 24 at 9:30 am. Childcare is provided. Participants will need a copy of the Abide study guide. See Natalie Runyon for more details.
Men's Bible Study-Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.
Women’s Community Group- Each week we study the upcoming sermon text together with women from The Bridge and the community. We’d love for you to join us! We meet from 6-8 pm at local homes. For details, contact Brenda Wooff at bwooff18@gmail.com or register on Church Center. https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2061598
Community Groups- There are a variety of Community Groups that meet throughout the year. To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.