June Announcements

Communion: 6/11 and 6/25

Graduate Sunday: We want to celebrate with our high school and college graduates as they reach this milestone in their lives! We will recognize graduates and present them with a gift on Sunday, June 4th.

June Memory Verse: Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our June verses are Psalm 107:1-3. The verses are scaled based on age. You can find a song to help you learn these verses HERE. Check out the Summer Discipleship Challenge for more ideas to help your family memorize God’s Word.

Family Discipleship: As parents, you have the primary role of discipleship in your home, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start, what to do or how to be consistent. To help you, we have a Summer Discipleship Challenge. In the foyer, you can pick up a packet full of fun ideas to help you and your kids grow in the faith and establish family time in the Word whether you are at home, out and about or on vacation.

Women’s Ministry Summer Tracks: We are excited to provide six different Summer Tracks to help women grow more deeply in their faith and connect with others. Peruse them all and choose the one that is best for you.

-Are you in the midst of parenting and need some Gospel centered encouragement? Check out the Risen Motherhood book study HERE.

-Are you an avid reader who would love to delve more deeply into classic Christian literature? Or are you interested in learning how to better defend your faith? A book club on Mere Christianity might be just what you are looking for! Register HERE.

-Do you struggle with fear, anxiety, or shame? Do you feel weighed down by sorrow or grief? Walk with Much Afraid as she learns to trust the Shepherd. Join the Hind’s Feet on High Places reflective book study HERE.

-Have you wanted a chance to get to know some women at The Bridge a little better? The weekly Coffee Fellowship may be just what you are looking for.

-Do you feel inspired by nature and enjoy discussing the Scripture while outside? Get moving with our Hiking Ministry.

-Maybe you have wanted to study a book of the Bible verse by verse, but the timing hasn’t worked out? Check out this seven-week study of the book of Jude, written by Jackie Hill Perry. Women of all ages as well as high school girls are welcome to attend.

Seeking Truth: In early January some local students had the vision of gathering together across denominations for the glory of God to study His Word and build friendships. Seeking Truth was born! This group of college students and young adults meets every other Friday in The Bridge basement. New friends are welcome to join! For more information, talk to Bella Runyon.

Calling All Cooks! Do you have a favorite recipe? Maybe it’s “from scratch” or focuses on healthy ingredients or maybe it’s great when feeding a crowd. It’s that recipe you and your friends and family just “love”.  We want to compile all the fabulous Bridge family recipes into one cookbook and sell them to help make a difference in our community.  All proceeds will go to the following: The Bridge Benevolent Fund, Oasis Women’s Crisis Center and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Recipes should be submitted by June 15. Add yours to our digital database: https://createmycookbook.com/groups/seagMU9Tg or give your hard copy to Brenda Wooff.

Father’s Day: Sunday, June 18 is Father’s Day and we’d love to make a video honoring some of our Dads at The Bridge. Contact Natalie Runyon for more information. Videos need to be submitted by the first week of June, so don’t delay!

Film & Faith: "Through the shared experience of watching the art of film, we can catch glimpses of the divine; the transcendent mystery of God revealed in the shadows and light that engage the imagination to tell the human experience."  -  Unknown

Join Dan and Cindy Nickel this summer as we discuss four different films and how they connect to scripture and our faith. The kick-off meeting is Tuesday - June 20 at 7:00 p.m. The selected films and their schedule will be shared that evening.  We will then meet every other Tuesday night from June 27-August 8 for discussion. Access to popular streaming services is recommended. Register to attend on Church Center or HERE.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

June 3,10,17,24: Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market 2023 Season Consider signing up for a shift this year, where you'll work with other great volunteers to set up the info station, greet shoppers, and help process food benefits. Training is provided and partial shifts are welcome! CLICK HERE to sign up.

June 7: Alton Main Street Gardening Day Get ready to pick, plant, prune, and prime our downtown for sunny days ahead! Novices, experts, and everyone in between, please join Alton Main Street on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. as we care for the native plants and flower beds in downtown Alton. There’s no need to RSVP, but feel free to join the gardening group on Facebook to stay informed and ask questions.

June 11: All-Wheels Drive-In Car Show in Downtown Alton

June 17: Juneteenth @ Killion Park from 11:00am-4:30pm

Summer is in full swing, but the start of the school year is right around the corner, and with that comes a new season of Children’s Ministry at The Bridge. If teaching and discipling kids is something the Lord is calling you to do, please see Natalie Runyon. Teachers, helpers, and subs are all needed.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Sunday Morning Apologetics- Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM. Class will be on hiatus July 2- August 13.

Community Groups- To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.  

May Announcements

Communion: 5/14 and 5/28

Vespers: Vespers is a liturgy of evening prayer, traditionally observed by the church. At The Bridge, Vespers is a time for us to come together for focused prayer and worship in an intimate setting. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall on May 10 from 7-8:30 pm for prayer and worship led by Nick Bifano and Anchor Co.

Coffee Talk: Have you ever wished you could develop more meaningful friendships and move past the small talk? This women's group is for you! Inspired by IF:Table Questions, we meet once a month on Saturday mornings to discuss questions centered around a specific theme which grow progressively deeper. Bring your own drink and snack for this casual get together in the Adult Education Room at The Bridge on 5/20. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information. You can register for this event in the Church Center app or HERE. 

Graduate Sunday: We want to celebrate with our high school and college graduates as they reach this milestone in their lives! We will recognize graduates and present them with a gift on Sunday, June 4. If you are a 2023 graduate, please contact Natalie Runyon by May 15.

May Memory Verse: Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our May verses are Psalm 118:22-24. The verses are scaled based on age. You can find a song to help you learn these verses (and the rest of the Psalm!) HERE.

Family Discipleship: As parents, you have the primary role of discipleship in your home, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start, what to do or how to be consistent. To help you, we have a Summer Discipleship Challenge. In late May, you will be able to pick up a packet full of fun ideas to help you and your kids grow in the faith and establish family time in the Word whether you are at home, out and about or on vacation.

Women’s Ministry Summer Tracks: We are excited to provide six different Summer Tracks to help women grow more deeply in their faith and connect with others. Peruse them all and choose the one that is best for you.

-Are you in the midst of parenting and need some Gospel centered encouragement? Check out the Risen Motherhood book study HERE.

-Are you an avid reader who would love to delve more deeply into classic Christian literature? Or are you interested in learning how to better defend your faith? A book club on Mere Christianity might be just what you are looking for! Register HERE.

-Do you struggle with fear, anxiety, or shame? Do you feel weighed down by sorrow or grief? Walk with Much Afraid as she learns to trust the Shepherd. Join the Hind’s Feet on High Places reflective book study HERE.

-Have you wanted a chance to get to know some women at The Bridge a little better? The weekly Coffee Fellowship may be just what you are looking for.

-Do you feel inspired by nature and enjoy discussing the Scripture while outside? Get moving with our Hiking Ministry.

-Maybe you have wanted to study a book of the Bible verse by verse, but the timing hasn’t worked out? Check out this seven-week study of the book of Jude, written by Jackie Hill Perry. Women of all ages as well as high school girls are welcome to attend.

Seeking Truth: In early January, some local students had the vision of gathering across denominations for the glory of God to study His Word and build friendships. Seeking Truth was born! This group of college students and young adults meets every other Friday in The Bridge basement. New friends are welcome to join! Upcoming dates are May 12 and 26. For more information, talk to Bella Runyon.

First Fruits: On Sunday, May 28, the residents of First Fruits will be with us for our morning worship service. Always inspiring, we hope you will come to hear how the Lord is working in their midst, and stay afterwards to share lunch with them. Register for lunch on Church Center or HERE.

Calling All Cooks! Do you have a favorite recipe? Maybe it’s “from scratch” or focuses on healthy ingredients or maybe it’s great when feeding a crowd. It’s that recipe you and your friends and family just “love”.  We want to compile all the fabulous Bridge family recipes into one cookbook and sell them to help make a difference in our community.  All proceeds will go to the following:  The Bridge Benevolent Fund, Oasis Women’s Crisis Center and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Recipes should be submitted by June 1. Add yours to our digital database: https://createmycookbook.com/groups/seagMU9Tg 

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

May 3: Alton Main Street Gardening Day Get ready to pick, plant, prune, and prime our downtown for sunny days ahead! Novices, experts, and everyone in between, please join Alton Main Street on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. as we care for the native plants and flower beds in downtown Alton. There’s no need to RSVP, but feel free to join the gardening group on Facebook to stay informed and ask questions.

May 5: Artist Collective Meet Up @ Jacoby Arts Center

May 10: Family Story Time @ Haskell Playhouse

May 13: Kick-off of the Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market 2023 Season  Consider signing up for a shift this year, where you'll work with other great volunteers to set up the info station, greet shoppers, and help process food benefits. Training is provided and partial shifts are welcome! CLICK HERE to sign up.

May 20: Native Plant Sale @ The Nature Institute

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Sunday Morning Apologetics- Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups- To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.  

April Announcements

Communion: 4/2, 4/16, 4/30

Bible Study Basics - Have you ever read the Bible and felt a bit confused? Are you interested in increasing your knowledge of scripture and learning how to confidently study the Bible for yourself? We’ve prepared this class for you! Meet us in the Adult Education classroom on Saturday, April 1 at 9 AM and learn the basics of Bible study with Pastor Steven. This class is limited to 15 participants so register today on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1651211

Maundy Thursday Service - This evening service, led by Nick Bifano, is a time of reflection and expectation as we worship our Servant King, Jesus, and prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter.

Resurrection Sunday at The Bridge - April 9 at 10 AM

Coffee Talk - Have you ever wished for a way to build deeper relationships with other women of faith but can’t fit a weekly commitment into your schedule? Coffee Talk is just for you! This women's group is inspired by IF:Table Questions. We meet once a month on Saturday mornings and discuss questions centered around a specific theme which grow progressively deeper. Bring your own drink and snack for this casual get together in the Adult Education Room at The Bridge on 4/15. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information. You can register for this event in the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1696748

Intro to The Bridge - Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting on Sunday, April 16 is for you. Immediately following the worship service, Pastor Steven will share more about our mission, vision, and core values as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required, and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Sign up on the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1696754

Red Cross Blood Drive - Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. You can help save lives by joining us for a blood drive at The Bridge Church on Friday, April 21st from 10 am to 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Make a difference in our community and beyond and help ensure blood is on the shelves before it is needed for trauma victims, transplant recipients and those being treated for cancer and sickle cell disease. Appointments are strongly encouraged.  Those who “drop-in” will have to wait until the scheduled donors are serviced. To make an appointment visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=BridgeChurch

April Memory Verse - Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our February verses are 1 John 1:5-7. The verses are scaled based on age. You can find a song to help you learn these verses HERE and HERE.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

April 1: Community Yard Sale @ Market at Milton

April 5: Moonlight Hike @ The Nature Institute 

April 15: Mustard Seed Peace Project Trivia Night @ Godfrey KC Hall

April 30: Pop-Up Clothes Swap @ Mineral Springs Mall

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Every Woman a Theologian- The name says it all! Come study systematic theology with the women of The Bridge, beginning Monday, April 3 at 9:30 AM. Using Phylicia Masonheimer’s study guide, we will begin to comprehend theological concepts with confidence and discern answers to profound questions, while drawing closer to the heart of God. Free childcare is provided for this study. For more details, talk to Natalie Runyon.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Women’s Community Group-This intergenerational group of women meet at different homes to study God’s Word and practice hospitality. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff, Karen LaBoube or Julie Paul.

Sunday Morning Apologetics- Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups- To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.  


March Announcements

Communion: 3/12 and 3/26

IF: The Bridge- This women’s event is a Bridge favorite! Join us for a weekend of worship, teaching and encouragement. Registration for IF is $25 and includes snacks, as well as meals on Saturday. Check out the promo video. You might glimpse some familiar faces. (Can you embed this link? https://youtu.be/0dt8vEbtkHk  )To register for this event go to https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1549101

Vespers- Vespers is a liturgy of evening prayer, traditionally observed by the church. At The Bridge, Vespers is held each month as a time for our Bridge Family to come together for focused prayer. We will meet in the sanctuary on March 8 from 7-8:15 PM, with prayer and worship led by Nick Bifano.

Drama Club- Drama Club will meet on Wednesday nights from 6-8 PM beginning on March 15. Students will learn and rehearse a script in preparation for an upcoming presentation. Drama Club is led by Nikki Fiedler and is open to kids in 3rd Grade- High School. Help is needed with set design, props, and costumes. If you can assist, please talk to Nikki. Register for Drama Club at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1613356

Coffee Talk- Have you ever wished for a way to build deeper relationships with other women of faith but can’t fit a weekly commitment into your schedule? Coffee Talk is just for you! This women's group is inspired by IF:Table Questions. We meet once a month on Saturday mornings and discuss questions centered around a specific theme which grow progressively deeper. Bring your own drink and snack for this casual get together in the Adult Education Room at The Bridge on 3/18. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information. You can register for this event in the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1650174

Trivia Night- The Bridge is sending 9 elementary students to camp this summer and they need your support! Gather your friends for an evening of fun and enjoy ten rounds of trivia with our emcee, Jeff Maynard. Tickets are $20 a person or you can reserve a table for 6 people for only $100. All proceeds from the evening will help our Bridge Kids attend CentriKids Camp this summer. For all the details and to register, check out https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1635436

The Bridge 10th Anniversary Celebration- The Bridge is 10 years old! By God’s grace, we’ve spent a decade connecting people to His indelible grace shown to us through Christ. Celebrate with us as we worship together at 10 AM, and join us for lunch afterward. Please register HERE if you plan to stay for the meal.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace- A Women’s Ministry Service Project- Sleep in Heavenly Peace consists of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need in Madison and Jersey Counties so that every child in our community has this basic need met. On Wednesday, March 29, the women of The Bridge are invited to meet for dinner at Panera at 6:30 PM, before heading out to build bunk beds at 8:00 at the Sleep in Heavenly Peace site at 10 Crossroads Court, Alton. Need more info? See Brenda Wooff. Register by 3/27 HERE.

Bible Study Basics- Have you ever read the Bible and felt a bit confused? Are you interested in increasing your knowledge of scripture and learning how to confidently study the Bible for yourself? We’ve prepared this class for you! Meet us in the Adult Education classroom on Saturday, April 1 at 9 AM and learn the basics of Bible study with Pastor Steven. This class is limited to 12 participants so register today on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1651211

Maundy Thursday Service- This evening service, led by Nick Bifano, is a time of reflection and expectation as we worship our Servant King, Jesus, and prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter.

March Memory Verse- Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our February verses are Psalm 127:1-2 The littlest kids will work on verse 1a, K-1st on verse 1, and 2nd- 5th graders will learn both verses. You can find a song to help you learn these verses (and even the whole chapter!) HERE.

Looking for more kid friendly worship music for your kiddos? Check out our Bridge Kids Amazon Playlist HERE.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

March 4: Seed Swap at the Alton YWCA

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Every Woman a Theologian- The name says it all! Come study systematic theology with the women of The Bridge, beginning Monday, April 3 at 9:30 AM. Using Phylicia Masonheimer’s study guide, we will begin to comprehend theological concepts with confidence and discern answers to profound questions, while drawing closer to the heart of God. Free childcare is provided for this study. For more details, talk to Natalie Runyon.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Women’s Community Group-This intergenerational group of women meet at different homes to study God’s Word and practice hospitality. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff, Karen LaBoube or Julie Paul.

Sunday Morning Apologetics- Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups- To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.  

February Announcements

Communion: 2/12 and 2/26

Freed Up Financial Living Course- Explore what the Bible and the culture say about the five financial areas of life; earning, giving, saving, debt and spending in this three session course that pairs sound financial knowledge with biblical principles of money management. You’ll gain the skills to develop a personal spending plan that reflect both in a healthy, balanced way. Taught by Jeff Maynard, this course is free to both our Bridge Family and the community, and meets from 9 AM- Noon on 2/11, 2/18 and 2/25.  To reserve your space in this course and your free workbook, register on the Church Center app or HERE.

Intro to The Bridge- Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting on Sunday, February 12 is for you. Immediately following the worship service, Pastor Steven will share more about our mission, vision, and core values as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required, and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Sign up on the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1613352

Mountain TOP Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser & Dessert Auction- Skip the long lines for Sunday lunch and head to the Fellowship Hall. Eat your fill of soups and sandwiches and make a generous donation to support our 2023 Mountain TOP team. Stay a little longer for our dessert auction and take home a yummy treat! Bridge Family, we still need donations of desserts and soups for this event. If you can help, please talk to Mike Solomon. Register to attend at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1616692

Galentines- What’s Galentines, you ask? It’s a time to celebrate your favorite women! Dinner and dessert will be provided. Because no celebration is complete without gifts, we will also have a “Favorite Things” gift exchange. Pick one thing you love and bring that item (new + unwrapped!) to give away. It could be a beauty product, candle, fashion accessory, kitchen gadget, edible treat, book, etc. Please spend no more than $10 on your item. Bring your gal pals and join us for Galentines on February 20! RSVP by 2/16 at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1561592

Beauty for Ashes- A first for The Bridge, we will be meeting on February 22 at 7 PM for a time of repentance and reflection as we observe Ash Wednesday together. We will worship, pray, and take communion in this special service led by Eddie Hitchcock. Families are invited to attend together.

IF: The Bridge- We desperately want to stay faithful in these times, but we know we can’t muster up the faith all on our own. IF:2023 matters to us, because for two days we get to gather and remind each other that God is who we need. God is who will provide. This women’s event on March 3 & 4 is a Bridge favorite! Join us for a weekend of worship, teaching and encouragement. Registration for IF is $25 and includes snacks, as well as meals on Saturday. Check out the promo video. You might glimpse some familiar faces. To register for this event go to https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1549101

Vespers- Vespers is a liturgy of evening prayer, traditionally observed by the church. At The Bridge, Vespers is held each month as a time for our Bridge Family to come together for focused prayer. We will meet in the sanctuary on March 8 from 7-8:15 PM, with prayer and worship led by Nick Bifano. Talking to God, a class for elementary age kids, will be offered during Vespers.

Did you know? The best way to stay connected to everything happening at The Bridge is through the Church Center app! Church Center houses our directory and church calendar, provides an easy way to register for upcoming events, sends push notifications when you are scheduled to serve, and so much more. Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. Need help navigating this app, or getting added to the directory? See Natalie Runyon.

Save the Date- The Bridge 10th Anniversary Celebration and Lunch

CentriKids Camp- Do you have a child in 2nd-6th grade? We are excited to participate in CentriKids Camp this summer on June 5-9 in Campbellsville, KY, and we’d love for your kids to join us! Camp offers a time for fun (without screens!) and connection with other kids and leaders as we learn about how God sees us, knows us and cares about our hearts. Check out the link for more information: https://centrikid.lifeway.com/2023-theme/ To register, or for more details, talk to Natalie Runyon. $75 deposit is due February 5.

February Memory Verse- Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our February verses are Psalm 23:1-3. The littlest kids will work on verse 1, K-1st on verses 1 and 2, and 2nd- 5th graders will learn all three verses. You can find a song to help you learn these verses (and even the whole chapter!) here: https://youtu.be/GKgsJPAm3bg

Talking to God- Prayer comes easy to small children but becomes intimidating the older we get. Talking to God provides a space for elementary students to pray together as they also learn things such as prayers from the Bible, names of God, and why we pray in Jesus’ name, through activities specifically for their age. This class meets during Vespers, on March 8 from 7-8:15 PM. For more information, or to help, see Natalie Runyon.

Drama Club- Drama Club will meet on Wednesday nights from 6-8 PM beginning on March 15. Students will learn and rehearse a script in preparation for Youth-led Worship on May 7. Drama Club is led by Nikki Fiedler and is open to kids in 3rd Grade - High School. Help is needed with set design, props, and costumes. If you can assist, please talk to Nikki. Register for Drama Club at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1613356

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

February 3: First Friday | Opening Reception for Love Letter to Jacoby

February 4: Writers of the Riverbend: Mix and Mingle

February 18: Ice Jam at the Dam

February 23: What's Up Downtown

Safety Team: Our Bridge Safety Team needs 2-3 volunteers who have a heart for security, an eye for detail and the gift of discernment. If this is you, please talk to Doug Cheatham for more information.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Amos (Women’s Bible Study): Amos is often called a prophet of doom. When you begin to read his prophecy, it doesn’t take long to realize that nickname fits. On the surface, his prophecy doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a cry for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4).  Women, you’re invited to join us for an eight week study of this often overlooked book of the Old Testament. Moms, free childcare is provided too! Meet us in the Adult Education Room on Mondays from 9:30-11:30 AM, beginning January 23. For all the details, see Natalie Runyon.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

How to Study the Bible- Hermeneutics 101

The goal of this 10-session course is to equip you and build your confidence in studying and teaching the Bible for yourself. If you’ve ever wondered how Bible study authors and teachers mine Scripture for the truth about God and applications for our lives today, you’re in the right place. Learn about the history of the Bible, interpretive methods, the metanarrative of Scripture, and more. The cost for the course is $59. It can be completed online, at your own pace, or if you prefer to meet with a cohort of women at The Bridge, we will be working through it together on Monday afternoons. To register go to https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/lifeway-women-academy If you’d like to be part of the cohort, talk to Natalie Gwillim or Natalie Runyon.

Women’s Community Group-This intergenerational group of women meet at different homes to study God’s Word and practice hospitality. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff, Karen LaBoube or Julie Paul.

Sunday Morning Apologetics- Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups- To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.  

January Announcements

Communion: 1/15, 1/29

Night of Prayer: As Christians, we often talk about prayer. We know prayer is vital. But actually praying isn’t always easy to do. At The Bridge, we believe seeking God together in prayer is essential for us individually and collectively. In 2023 we want to create space for the church to gather together to pray. On Wednesday, January 11, at 7:00 PM, the sanctuary will be open for a time of prayer. Whether praying with others is brand new to you or something you love to do, we hope you will join us.

Freed Up Financial Living Course: Explore what the Bible and the culture say about the five financial areas of life; earning, giving, saving, debt and spending in this three session course that pairs sound financial knowledge with biblical principles of money management. You’ll gain the skills to develop a personal spending plan that reflect both in a healthy, balanced way. Taught by Jeff Maynard, this course is free to both our Bridge Family and the community, and meets from 9 AM- Noon on 2/11, 2/18 and 2/25.  To reserve your space in this course and your free workbook, register on the Church Center app or HERE.

Amos (Women’s Bible Study): Amos is often called a prophet of doom. When you begin to read his prophecy, it doesn’t take long to realize that nickname fits. On the surface, his prophecy doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a cry for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4).  Women, you’re invited to join us for an eight week study of this often overlooked book of the Old Testament. Moms, free childcare is provided too! Meet us in the Adult Education Room on Mondays from 9:30-11:30 AM, beginning January 23. For all the details, see Natalie Runyon.

How to Study the Bible: Hermeneutics 101

The goal of this 10-session course is to equip you and build your confidence in studying and teaching the Bible for yourself. If you’ve ever wondered how Bible study authors and teachers mine Scripture for the truth about God and applications for our lives today, you’re in the right place. Learn about the history of the Bible, interpretive methods, the metanarrative of Scripture, and more. The cost for the course is $59. It can be completed online, at your own pace, or if you prefer to meet with a cohort of women at The Bridge, we will be working through it together on Monday afternoons beginning on 1/23. To register go to https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/lifeway-women-academy If you’d like to be part of the cohort, talk to Natalie Gwillim or Natalie Runyon.

Coffee Talk: Have you ever wished you for a way to build deeper relationships with other women of faith but can’t fit a weekly commitment into your schedule? Coffee Talk is just for you! This women's group is inspired by IF:Table Questions. We meet once a month on Saturday mornings and discuss questions centered around a specific theme which grow progressively deeper. Bring your own drink and snack for this casual get together in the Adult Education Room at The Bridge on 1/28. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information! You can register for this event in the Church Center app or HERE.

Did you know? The best way to stay connected to everything happening at The Bridge is through the Church Center app! Church Center houses our directory and church calendar, provides an easy way to register for upcoming events, sends push notifications when you are scheduled to serve, and so much more. Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. Need help navigating this app, or getting added to the directory? See Natalie Runyon.

CentriKids Camp: Do you have a child in 2nd-6th grade? We are excited to participate in CentriKids Camp this summer on June 5-9 in Campbellsville, KY, and we’d love for your kids to join us! Camp offers a time for fun (without screens!) and connection with other kids and leaders as we learn about how God sees us, knows us and cares about our hearts. There will be a brief informational meeting following worship on 1/22 in the Adult Education Room. Check out the link for more information: https://centrikid.lifeway.com/2023-theme/ If you have questions or want to register, talk to Natalie.

January Memory Verse: Every month in Bridge Kids we work with the students to help them memorize scripture. You can help your kids at home by posting the verse and practicing it together. Our January verses are Proverbs 2:6-8. The littlest kids will work on verse 6, K-3rd on verses 6 and 7, and 4th and 5th graders will learn all three verses. To learn more about the benefits of memorizing scripture check out this link: https://www.truth78.org/fv-reasons-to-memorize-scripture-with-children

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

January 6: 12th Night Middletown Bonfire

January 7: Alton Eagle Ice Festival at FLOCK Food Truck Park

January 10: Craft Night at Hayner Library

December Announcements

December Mission Partner: While we have no featured mission partner this month, our Bridge Family has an opportunity to provide gifts for a local family. The items we need are listed on ornaments on the Christmas tree in the foyer. Choose one or two to purchase, and then return your unwrapped gift to the church no later than 12/18. Questions? See Natalie or Cathy.

12/11 and the Christmas Candlelight Service on 12/18

Advent at The Bridge: For the next six weeks we will be walking through Romans 8, focusing on the hope we have because of the incarnation: Christ with us, his Spirit in us, and our Father for us- forever! In our grief or joy, whatever our lot, nothing can separate us from the love of God! Who in your life needs this message of comfort? Invite them to join us on Sundays at 10 AM.

Christmas Ensemble: Can you carry a tune? Are you available to practice on Tuesday nights, November 29, December 6 and 13 from 7-8:30 PM? Eddie needs you for the Christmas Ensemble!! The ensemble will be performing at the Christmas Candlelight Service on 12/18. Talk to Eddie if you have questions, or just show up for practice.

December Memory Verse:

Children's Choir: Our Bridge Kids will be participating in worship on 12/18 by adding their voices to a choir. Practices will be held the last 15 minutes of service on 11/27, 12/4 and 12/11, with a rehearsal in the sanctuary following worship on 12/11. Pizza will be provided following practice. In preparation, please have your kids listen to the following songs on YouTube. PreK and up: https://youtu.be/1YXvhbX0m-Q

Kindergarten and up: https://youtu.be/3LbzC0pii-s

Family Movie Night: Bring your blankets and chairs and meet us in the Fellowship Hall on 12/2 for hot cocoa, cookies and a Christmas movie. All ages are welcome! Register for this event on Church Center or HERE.

Christmas Care Package Delivery: Did you know there are people in our Bridge Family who aren’t able to make it to church because of health issues? We would love to take them some holiday cheer! We will meet at The Bridge at 2 PM on 12/4 to deliver care packages and sing some Christmas carols at each home. If you’d like to donate baked goods for the care packages or recommend someone we should visit, please see Natalie Runyon. Please sign up on Church Center or HERE.

December Women’s Service Project: Meals for Alton Mission - The Alton Mission engages in a meal every Sunday with anyone that is in need in our community. It is an open table where all are welcome. For our December service project we would like to provide frozen meals for the Alton Mission to use. Meals should be delivered to the church on 12/8. All of the details can be found at the following link: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1497805.

Christmas Make and Take: Learn to make a DIY Christmas Porch Pot while connecting with other women at The Bridge. This holiday class provides step by step instructions on choosing and arranging greenery and other items in your Porch Pot. Drinks and light snacks will be provided. Cost is $25 per person to create one pot and $40 to create a second. RSVP by 12/8 on https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1516839

God Forever With Us - A Christmas Candlelight Service: The Candlelight Service is a special night of worship at The Bridge. Bring your friends and family and join us Sunday, December 18 at 6:00 PM. This service fills up quickly, so plan to arrive early.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community. December 1: Lucy Haskell Playhouse Fundraiser

December 3: Santa at the Playhouse

December 3-4: ABOB Olde Alton Arts & Crafts Fair

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups: To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.

November Announcements

November Mission Partner: Overnight Warming Center-Alton’s Overnight Warming Center helps our unhoused neighbors with shelter during nights that are 20 degrees and colder. They provide a warm meal each night and each morning and ensure their guests are able to get somewhere warm once they leave the next morning. There are several ways to become involved with the OWCA. To volunteer at the OWCA, go to - bit.ly/AltonWarmingCenters.

If you’re interested in raising funds for the warming center, consider participating in the second annual Sleep Out on Thursday, November 10 at the Lincoln Douglas Square. You are committing to spending a night outside together and raising support from friends and family for OWCA. There is no minimum fundraising requirement. Sign up to participate or donate at givebutter.com/OWCASleepout2022.

As with all of our monthly mission partners, The Bridge will match the first $500 given in November to the OWCA. You can give online or note OWCA in the memo of your check. Thank you for helping to care for our unhoused neighbors during the coldest nights of the year!

November Memory Verse:

Are you looking for ways to help your kids memorize the November memory verse at home? An easy way of learning by repetition is singing! Listen here:

Imago Dei Art Show: C.S. Lewis said “There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal.” Every person you ever encounter bears the image of God. Invite your friends and join us as we celebrate the Imago Dei through song, dance, poetry, and art. This event is free of charge, however we will be collecting an offering to support Be a Bridge and the work they do in our community.

November Women’s Service Project: Restore Decor is a local non-profit that repurposes and refinishes donated furniture, which is then sold in their Edwardsville shop. The money they raise is given to area non-profits and to help local families in need. For this service project, we will be painting furniture. No prior experience is necessary, but this is a messy endeavor so dress accordingly. Only two spots remain so be sure to sign up soon! To register or for more details, check out the Church Center app or tap the link below.


Night of Prayer for Haiti: Gang wars, violence, starvation, homelessness, cholera. There are so many things against the Haitian people right now, but we know God is for them, and He invites us to intercede on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. If your heart has been moved by the plight of the people in Haiti, we invite you to join us for this evening of prayer. Sign up HERE.

Coffee Talk: This women's group inspired by IF:Table Questions meets monthly. Women will take turns asking the questions, and allow everyone enough time to share or respond. Gain new perspectives and insight while connecting with women of faith! Bring your coffee and a snack and meet us in the Adult Education Room on November 19th at 10:00am. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information! Sign up HERE.

Thanksgiving Worship and Dessert Fellowship: This special night of Thanksgiving worship led by Nick Bifano will help us center our hearts on the good gifts our heavenly Father has given us. It's the perfect way to begin the holiday season! Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall to share dessert together. Please bring a dessert to share. Register on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1459727

Family Movie Night: Bring your blankets and chairs and meet us in the Fellowship Hall for hot cocoa, cookies and a Christmas movie. All ages are welcome! Register for this event on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1497507.

Christmas Care Package Delivery: Did you know there are people in our Bridge Family who aren’t able to make it to church because of health issues? We would love to take them some holiday cheer! We will meet at The Bridge at 2 PM on 12/4 to deliver care packages and sing some Christmas carols at each home. If you’d like to donate baked goods for the care packages or recommend someone we should visit, please see Natalie Runyon. Please sign up on Church Center or through the following link: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1497686

December Women’s Service Project: Meals for Alton Mission - The Alton Mission engages in a meal every Sunday with anyone that is in need in our community. It is an open table where all are welcome. For our December service project we would like to provide frozen meals for the Alton Mission to use. Meals should be delivered to the church on 12/8. All of the details can be found at the following link: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1497805.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

November 4: First Fridays Late Night Art and Shopping Experience

November 11: Great Rivers Choral Society, To Life and Liberty Concert

November 20: Alton Youth Symphony Fall Concert

November 26: Green Gift Bazaar on Small Business Saturday

Nursery: We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Student Ministries: Each Sunday, middle school youth group meets from 5-6:30 PM and high school from 6:30-8 PM. Come connect with other students as we grow in our faith together.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Rhythms of Renewal: Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God's peace. Trade your anxiety for the vibrant life you were meant to live through four profound rhythms: rest, restore, connect, and create. This five week study is the perfect way for women to establish new rhythms through the busy holiday season and leading into the new year! Purchase your study guide here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0310098858/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_19MWE2M4D4HGAZDKTAWV_0?psc=1

1 Peter: Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws, and an eyewitness to the life of Christ, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. On Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM, join women from The Bridge as they walk through this study of 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff or Julie Paul.

Community Groups: Community Groups resume meeting in September. To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.

October Announcements

October Mission Partner: "J"

Our October mission partner “J” works in Southern Spain among the immigrant and refugee communities. Her passion is to work alongside the Spanish church as they reach out to their foreign neighbors.  “J” lives in a city with 103 nationalities, many from countries that have had little or no opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. One of her primary ministries is working with immigrant and refugee children. Her team hosts a kid’s club in 2 different locations on Saturday and Sunday afternoons which includes games, crafts, and a snack and most importantly, a lesson using the chronological Bible storying curriculum.  “J” also trains members of the church to be involved in the ministries among the immigrants. She will be joining us for worship on 10/23 to share more about her work in Spain.

Want to learn even more about “J”and how you can support the ministry in Spain? We have a special opportunity to share lunch with her following worship on 10/23. Advance registration is required. Please sign up on the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1461097

Upcoming Sermon Series: Lighting Up the Darkness: Daniel 1-7

In the beginning…God said, “Let there be light” and He has been lighting up the darkness ever since.

For the next few months, we will look at how God brought light to the darkness of Babylon and is still bringing light to our dark places today.

Join us as God sheds light on the ancient book of Daniel so we may see and live in His light. 

Communion: 10/9, 10/23, 10/30

Bridge Library: Need a good book? The Bridge Library is open for business! Located near the cafe, we have books on a variety of topics from theology to Christian living to current topics of interest. Books can be checked out for two weeks at a time.

October Memory Verse:

Are you looking for ways to help your kids memorize October memory verse at home? An easy way of learning by repetition is singing! Listen here:

Children’s Choir: Our Bridge Kids will be participating in the Youth (led) Worship Service on 10/30 by adding their voices to a choir. Practices will be held the last 15 minutes of service each Sunday in October, with a rehearsal on Thursday, October 27. In preparation for Sunday, please have your kids listen to and learn the following song on YouTube. https://youtu.be/i4rZcN8dQpE

Coffee Talk: This women's group inspired by IF:Table Questions meets monthly. Women will take turns asking the questions, and allow everyone enough time to share or respond. Gain new perspectives and insight while connecting with women of faith! Bring your coffee and a snack and meet us in the Adult Education Room. Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information!

October Women’s Service Project: You’re invited to attend our first Women of The Bridge Service Project! This month we will be packing care kits for our college students and those who have recently graduated from high school into the work force. If you’d like to pack a box, and write a note of encouragement, please register to attend. We also need donations to fill the boxes! For a list of items needed and to register, visit the Church Center app or click the link below.


Bridge Family Art Night: Our God is a creative God and since we are created in His image, we can be creative too! On October 14, we will provide a variety of mediums for our Bridge Family- adults and kids alike, to create a piece of artwork that will be displayed at our Imago Dei Art Show in November. If you have art supplies you would like to donate, please contact Natalie Runyon. To attend, please register on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1390041

Youth (led) Worship: Our youth are today’s church! On Sunday, October 30, the Bridge students and kids will be leading our regular morning worship service as they welcome, serve in the cafe, lead music, pray, preach and serve communion. Family and friends are welcome to attend. If your child would like to serve, please see Natalie, Eddie, or Mike.

Trick or Treating at The Bridge: We love being a church planted right in the middle of a neighborhood, and on Halloween all of our neighbors come to see us! We would love for some friendly folks to hand out candy on 10/30 at The Bridge. If you are able to help for an hour or two, or would like to donate candy, please talk to Natalie Runyon.

Imago Dei Art Show: C.S. Lewis said “There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal.” Every person you ever encounter bears the image of God. Invite your friends and join us as we celebrate the Imago Dei through song, dance, poetry, and art. This event is free of charge, however we will be collecting an offering to support Be a Bridge and the work they do in our community.

November Women’s Service Project: Restore Decor is a local non-profit that repurposes and refinishes donated furniture, which is then sold in their Edwardsville shop. The money they raise is given to area non-profits and to help local families in need. For this service project, we will be painting furniture. No prior experience is necessary, but this is a messy endeavor so dress accordingly. Space is limited to 10 women. To register or for more details, check out the Church Center app or tap the link below.


Thanksgiving Worship and Dessert Fellowship: This special night of Thanksgiving worship led by Nick Bifano will help us center our hearts on the good gifts our heavenly Father has given us. It's the perfect way to begin the holiday season! Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall to share dessert together. Please bring a dessert to share. Register on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1459727

Save the Date:

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

October 1, 2, 8, 9: Vintage Voices is a walking tour that showcases Alton's history through unique storytelling.

October 1, 8, 15: Only three more Saturdays remain to grab some fresh produce from our local farmers at the Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market!

October 15: Downtown Alton Chili Cook-Off from noon until 3:00pm

October 31: Alton Halloween Parade at 7pm!

Nursery: We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

Children’s Ministry Sub: Nearly all of our Children’s Ministry teacher and helper roles have been filled! We are so thankful for those who cheerfully teach our Bridge Kids the good news about Jesus. We still need a teacher and a helper to serve as subs for the 2nd/3rd grade class. If the Lord is asking you to step into this position, please contact Natalie Runyon.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Student Ministries: Each Sunday, middle school youth group meets from 5-6:30 PM and high school from 6:30-8 PM. Come connect with other students as we grow in our faith together.

Harvest Ministry Fall Rally: Students will love gathering with others from around the region for a day of worship, music, learning, fun and connections! The Fall Rally will be held in Troy, IL on Saturday, October 29 from 9:30 am - 4:45 pm.

This event is for students in 6th - 12th grade and their ministry leaders, youth pastors, pastors or parents. Registration fee of $20 includes meals, activities and a free t-shirt. Friends are welcome! Registration ends on October 10. Questions? Talk to Mike or Gwen Solomon. Register on the Church Center app or HERE.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Gospel on the Ground: This study for women meets on Mondays from 9:30-11:00 AM in the Adult Education Room. Through seven sessions, we will learn from biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts. We will see how the kingdom of God is always on the move - always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Childcare will be provided. For more information, contact Martha Pfister or Natalie Runyon.

1 Peter: Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws, and an eyewitness to the life of Christ, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. On Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM, join women from The Bridge as they walk through this study of 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff or Julie Paul.

Community Groups: Community Groups resume meeting in September. To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.

September Announcements

September Mission Partner: 

Mike and Tarah Hoxsie are a local couple in the midst of fundraising to become missionaries in La Paz, Mexico. To learn more about the unique outreach they will be part of, join us on September 18 for worship as Mike and Tarah talk about the Reconciliamar ministry initiative, and how God has called their family to Mexico. We will be matching the first $500 in donations given to The Bridge with Hoxsie Family in the memo. Check out this video with a brief introduction from the Hoxsies.

Communion: 9/11 and 9/25

September Memory Verse:

Drama Team: If you are a middle or high school student who enjoys theater, or a younger student who participated in this summer’s Bridge Drama Club, we have an opportunity for you! This team will be rehearsing on Monday nights from 6-8 PM, from 9/12- 10/24 and will perform a skit as part of the Youth (led) Worship Service on 10/30. Questions about the team can be directed to Nikki Fiedler. Register through the Church Center app.

Bridge Game Night: We have lots of family friendly events, but this one is just for adults. On Friday, September 16 from 6-9 PM we will have a pickle ball tournament, as well as ping pong set up in the Fellowship Hall, corn hole in the back parking lot, and some additional games in the side yard. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and tables will be set up for those who want to socialize. Space is limited for those who want to play pickle ball, so please indicate when you register if you would like to play and who your partner will be. Register on the Church Center app or HERE.

Coffee Talk: This women's group inspired by IF:Table Questions begins on September 17th. Women will take turns asking the questions, and allow everyone enough time to share or respond. Gain new perspectives and insight while connecting with women of faith!

When: Mid-mornings, one Saturday a month

Where: Local coffee shops

Contact Taylor at jordantaylorbodenbach2017@gmail.com for more information!

Intro to The Bridge: Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting on Sunday, September 18 is for you. Immediately following the worship service, Pastor Steven will share more about our mission, vision, and core values as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required, and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Sign up on the Church Center app or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1416405

Bridge Family Art Night: Our God is a creative God and since we are created in His image, we can be creative too! On October 14, we will provide a variety of mediums for our Bridge Family- adults and kids alike, to create a piece of artwork that will be displayed at our Imago Dei Art Show in November. If you have art supplies you would like to donate, please contact Natalie Runyon. To attend, please register on Church Center or at https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1390041

Save the Date:

Bridge Library: Need a good book? The Bridge Library is open for business! Located near the cafe, we have books on a variety of topics from theology to Christian living to current topics of interest. Books can be checked out for two weeks at a time.

Bridge Kids: Check out our updated resource board in the education wing. We want to help connect kids to God’s indelible grace as well as equip parents with tools to disciple their kids at home.

Are you looking for ways to help your kids memorize the September memory verse at home? An easy way of learning by repetition is singing! Listen here

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

September 10: Alton Citywide Litter Cleanup

September 24: Miles for Meso 5K. The Bridge has been a sponsor of this event since 2013. Want to race with us? Register HERE. Our Bridge Student Ministries will be handing out water in front of the church. If you’d like to help, and cheer on the runners, please talk to Mike or Gwen Solomon.

Nursery: We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

Children’s Ministry Sub: A new school year is beginning and nearly all of our Children’s Ministry teacher and helper roles have been filled! We are so thankful for those who cheerfully teach our Bridge Kids the good news about Jesus. We still need a teacher and a helper to serve as subs for the 2nd/3rd grade class. If the Lord is asking you to step into this position, please contact Natalie Runyon.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Student Ministries: Beginning on Sunday, September 11, middle school youth group will meet from 5-6:30 PM and high school from 6:30-8 PM. Come connect with other students as we grow in our faith together.

Harvest Ministry Fall Rally: Students will love gathering with others from around the region for a day of worship, music, learning, fun and connections! The Fall Rally will be held in Troy, IL on Saturday, October 29 from 9:30 am - 4:45 pm.

This event is for students in 6th - 12th grade and their ministry leaders, youth pastors, pastors or parents. Registration fee of $20 includes meals, activities and a free t-shirt. Friends are welcome! Registration ends on October 10. Questions? Talk to Mike or Gwen Solomon. Register on the Church Center app or HERE.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the new series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series will blend into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Gospel on the Ground: This study for women meets on Mondays from 9:30-11:00 AM in the Adult Education Room. Through seven sessions, we will learn from biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts. We will see how the kingdom of God is always on the move - always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Childcare will be provided. For more information, contact Martha Pfister or Natalie Runyon.

1 Peter: Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws, and an eyewitness to the life of Christ, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. On Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM, join women from The Bridge as they walk through this study of 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff or Julie Paul.

Community Groups: Community Groups resume meeting in September. To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.

August Announcements

August Mission Partner: 

Be a Bridge was created in 2021 and is working to build relationships and foster a peer community amongst adolescent youth, giving them a foundational support system that embodies the love of Christ. Through a combination of support groups, mentorship, community service projects, workforce development programs and fine arts programs that teach healthy self expression, our youth are learning to see themselves as image bearers of God. As they see their value, they are able to positively shape their interactions with each other and with society. In the month of August we will be collecting laundry detergent pods and quarters for Be a Bridge’s laundry day, as well as partnering with them for a Back to School Bash serving the students at Oakwood Estates and Alton Acres. Marqueta Goins, Director of Be A Bridge, will join us for worship on 8/14 to share more about their ministry. Quarters and laundry pods will be collected on the table in the church foyer.

Communion: 8/14 and 8/28

August Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

School Supply Packing Breakfast: Join us for breakfast, community, and service as we pack school supplies for our Back to School Bash. All ages welcome! Register HERE!

Back to School Bash at Oakwood Estates: In conjunction with Be A Bridge, our August mission partner, we will be holding a school supply giveaway for the students who live in Oakwood Estates and Alton Acres. We will be grilling and serving hot dogs, chips and sno cones and distributing school supplies at the Oakwood Estates recreation center. If you are able to help with this event, please contact Natalie Runyon. Register HERE!

Bridge Family Pool Party: Meet us at the pavilion at Roxana Park for dinner at 5:00 PM. We’ve rented the pool from 6-8 for our Bridge Family to enjoy. All ages welcome! Please RSVP so we can be sure we have enough food and lifeguards. Click the link to register: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1330838

Promotion Sunday: Also known as Sundae Sunday, this is the Sunday where our Bridge Kids level up to their next grade/class. At the end of class, all kids will have the opportunity to make an ice cream sundae in the Fellowship Hall.

Women’s Ministry Fall Kick Off: Are you interested in joining a Bible study or growing in community with other women at The Bridge? Whether you are brand new to The Bridge or have been here for a while and are ready to dig deeper, all women of The Bridge are invited to come to this event. This is an informal time to connect with one another, meet the leaders of our women's Community Groups, and check out the new fall studies we will be offering. Snacks are provided, and friends are welcome! https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1378098

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

August 11: Moonlight Hike @ The Nature Institute

August 27: TNI Wildflower Market

Every Saturday in August: Yoga @ The Alton Amphitheater

Nursery: We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

Children’s Ministry Sub: A new school year is beginning and nearly all of our Children’s Ministry teacher and helper roles have been filled! We are so thankful for those who cheerfully teach our Bridge Kids the good news about Jesus. We still need a teacher and a helper to serve as subs for the 2nd/3rd grade class. If the Lord is asking you to step into this position, please contact Natalie Runyon.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Student Ministries: Bridge teens! Student ministries will resume on 8/28. This is a casual “welcome back” event where we will have snacks and games and get to know one another. Middle school will meet from 5:00-6:30 PM and high school from 6:30-8:00 PM. Contact Mike Solomon with any questions you may have.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: On August 14, this class, led by Dan Nickel, will begin a new series entitled “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series will blend into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ.  His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied.  A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.  

July Announcements

July Mission Partner: First Fruits

“Help For the Desperate - Those Willing To Seek God For The Answer To Their Problems” is the mission of First Fruits of Jerseyville, IL, a local branch of Mission Teens, Inc., a non-denominational Christian discipleship ministry dedicated to helping people who struggle with life-controlling problems by ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. The leadership of First Fruits will join us for worship on 7/10. We hope you will too! Any donations given to The Bridge in the month of July with First Fruits in the memo field will be matched, up to $500.

Communion: 7/3, 7/17, 7/31

Restore Network School Supply Drive: The Restore Network will provide school supplies for over 400 students at their annual Back to School Bash in July. We will be collecting 200 black Expo marker sets for the party. Please bring your donation and place it in the basket in the foyer between now and July 17.

July Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Bridge Movie Night: Bring your lawn chair or other comfy seats and meet us in the Fellowship Hall for a fun night of snacks and a movie on our big screen. Please register through the Church Center app.

Messy Game Day: Students, come join us for a messy good time! Youth in grades 6-12 will compete in a variety of messy games, so plan on wearing old clothes that you don't mind getting a little dirty. Parents should plan on sending towels and/or a clean set of clothes, and may want to bring towels or plastic to protect vehicle seats for pickup. Pizza and ice cream will be provided. Friends are welcome! If you have questions contact Mike or Gwen Solomon.

Bridge Family Pool Party: Let’s close out summer vacation with a splash! Join us for a picnic and swimming at Roxana Pool. Sign up for this event under the Registrations tab in the Church Center app. All ages are welcome.

Baptism: Buried with Christ in his death, and raised to new life in Him. We love to celebrate baptisms at The Bridge! If you'd like to take this step in your faith journey, see Pastor Steven or Pastor Jon.

Intro to The Bridge Lunch: Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting is for you. Pastor Jon will share more about our mission, vision and core values, as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. 

Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Register on the Church Center app or through this link: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1348317

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

July 3: Fireworks on the Mississippi @ Alton's Riverfront Amphitheater

July 10: The Anchor Co. Worship Night @ Post Commons

June 19: Rockin' with Robert concert @ the statue of Robert Wadlow

Catch the Alton Muny Band summer concert series every Sunday evening at 7:00 in Haskell Park and Thursday evenings at 7:30 @ Riverview Park.

Summer is in full swing, but the start of the school year is right around the corner, and with that comes a new season of Children’s Ministry at The Bridge. If teaching and discipling kids is something the Lord is calling you to do, please see Natalie Runyon. Teachers, helpers, and subs are all needed.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.  

Cultural Apologetics: What It Means To Be Human- Finding Compassion, Grace and Hope in a Disenchanted Age. The intersection of faith, culture and the arts is discussed in this series. The class is taught by Dan Nickel on Sunday mornings at 9 AM. Please note the class will be on break 7/17- 8/7. The class will resume on August 14 with a new series “Who Do You Say That I Am?” The Life of Jesus Christ.

June Announcements

June Mission Partner: Healing Haiti

Healing Haiti leverages resources to elevate and unify Haitian families, so that the cycle of poverty is broken and the fabric of the community is strengthened. Now, more than ever, the Haitian people need our prayers and support. Join us on June 12 as Brian McInnis updates us on how Healing Haiti continues to bring hope to the Haitian people even amidst the worsening instability of the last two years.

Communion: June 5 and June 19

Bridge Family Night at the Alton River Dragons Game: We are planning a few fun events for our Bridge Family this summer. Coming up on Thursday, June 2, we have a reserved area at the Alton River Dragons game. When you purchase your tickets, use the code BRIDGEFAMILY for $3 off the price of general admission seats. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know one another outside of Sunday mornings. We hope you will meet us at the game! Purchase your tickets HERE.

June Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Graduation Sunday: We want to celebrate with our high school and college graduates as they reach this milestone in their lives! We will recognize graduates and present them with a Bible full of notes of encouragement on Sunday, June 5.

Baptism: Buried with Christ in his death, and raised to new life in Him. We love to celebrate baptisms at The Bridge! If you'd like to take this step in your faith journey, see Pastor Steven or Pastor Jon.

Drama Club: Learn the fundamentals of theater; building a scene, building a character, acting, props, costumes, lighting and more. We will learn how to read the Bible out loud, and practice cold readings for theater and create every component of a one act performance to be given at the end of the six weeks. All ages are welcome! This summer club will be held on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM beginning June 21. For more info, see Nikki Fiedler. Register here HERE.

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: What’s better than a road trip with 25 or so of your favorite Bridge women?! We would love for you to come with us to Indianapolis on June 16-18. For more details on the conference, check out https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/tgcw22/ If you’d like to join with our group, please contact Natalie Runyon today.

Church Center: There's an app for that! Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. This app will house our calendar, directory, enable you to register for classes, pre-check your kids in for Children's Ministry, send you push notifications for events, and so much more! Need help navigating this app? See Natalie Runyon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

June 4: Try out your skills and learn how to safely paddle in a kayak or canoe, test your balance on a stand-up paddle board, or take a guided kayak tour at Paddle Fest!  Big Muddy Adventures will also offer voyager canoe trips around the bay. More of a land-dweller? There will be plenty of onshore activities to enjoy: recreation outfitters, education booths, food vendors, & more! SIGN UP!

June 4: 17th Annual Miles Davis Jazz Festival! Tickets available at Alton Visitor Center and Post Commons.

June 18: Juneteenth Celebration at Killion Park 11AM-5PM

Volunteers are needed at the Alton Farmer’s Market info booth. Sign up to help Here!

Nursery volunteers needed! We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.

May 2022 Announcements

May Mission Partner: Riverbend Family Ministries is a local non-profit that concentrates their collaborative, holistic efforts on children, youth and families who’ve experienced trauma, most often due to violence, addiction, poverty and homelessness. They provide resources for smaller non-profit organizations to work together under one roof, providing families and individuals the tools they need to be self-sufficient. On Sunday, May 1, Tammy Iskarous, Executive Director will be us to share more about the impact Riverbend Family Ministries has right in our own community.

Communion: 5/1 & 5/29

Baby Dedication: Baby dedications are a special time at The Bridge. Parents commit to raising their little ones according to God’s Word, and we as a church family commit to supporting these families as they endeavor to do so. If you would like to have your baby dedicated, please see Pastor Steven.

May Memory Verse: Psalm 145:8-10

8 The Lord is gracious and merciful,
    slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
9 The Lord is good to all,
    and his mercy is over all that he has made.

10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,
    and all your saints shall bless you!

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Graduate Sunday: We want to celebrate with our high school and college graduates as they reach this milestone in their lives! We will recognize graduates and present them with a gift on Sunday, June 5. If you are a 2022 graduate, please contact Natalie Runyon by May 15.

Women’s Summer Bible Study: Join us for our summer study as Kristi McLelland, bible culturalist, unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and reveals that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. Witness how God's Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration. Study meets on Monday mornings, beginning June 6, from 9:30-11:00 at The Bridge. Childcare is available.

Drama Club at The Bridge: Learn the fundamentals of theater; building a scene, bringing a character to life, acting, props, costumes, lighting and more. We will learn how to read the Bible out loud, and practice cold readings for theater and create every component of a one act performance to be given at the end of the six weeks. All ages are welcome! This summer club will be held on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM beginning June 21. For more info, see Nikki Fiedler. Register here: https://thebridgealton.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1277917

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: What’s better than a road trip with 30 or so of your favorite Bridge women?! We would love for you to come with us to Indianapolis on June 16-18. For more details on the conference, check out https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/tgcw22/ If you’d like to join with our group, please contact Natalie Runyon.

Church Center: There's an app for that! Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. This app will house our calendar, directory, enable you to register for classes, pre-check your kids in for Children's Ministry, send you push notifications for events, and so much more! Need help navigating this app? See Natalie Runyon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

May 1: Pop-Up Clothes Swap @ Mineral Springs Mall

May 6: Mustard Seed Peace Project Trivia Night @ The Lovejoy

May 7: Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market 2022 Season begins!

Ministry Opportunities: God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at connect@bridgetograce.org

Youth Group: Everyone loves a good story and, as Christians, we have been gifted with the greatest story ever told: God's story. OUR story. Beginning Sunday, March 6th, the Middle School and High School Youth will begin to explore the Bible as a continuous, chronological story. We'll begin at 6:00 with a time of interacting with scripture in a way that helps us fully engage with God's story and our place in it. Echo the Story will take place 6-8 on Sundays for 12 weeks (excluding Easter Sunday & Mother’s Day) March 6th-June 5th. We hope you'll plan to join us for this special storytime!

Women's Bible Study: Interested in studying the Bible with other women? Now is a great time to join us as we begin our study of Exodus, using Jen Wilkin's book God of Deliverance. Study begins on Monday, March 14 at 10 AM. Talk to Martha Pfister or Jennifer Brown for more info.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.

April 2022 Announcements

April Mission Partner: African Christian Outreach. Join us Sunday, April 3 for worship and to hear from Tom Stickney, Executive Director of African Christian Outreach. From engaging students through discipleship ministries on college campuses, equipping churches to reach youth, creating digital discipleship materials to operating a pregnancy resource center, ACO works to engage, equip and empower the youth of East Africa. The Bridge will match up to $500 in donations to African Christian Outreach in the month of April. Indicate in the memo of your check on online donation that your contribution is for ACO.

Communion: 4/10

April Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Bake Sale: Swing by and grab some yummy treats for a great cause! Cash only!

Quarter Auction for Ukraine: Bring your friends and join us for a quarter auction Wednesday, April 6 in the Fellowship Hall at The Bridge to benefit Ukrainian refugees. Doors open at 6, and the auction begins at 7. Need more info? See Andrea Abbott.

Intro to The Bridge: Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting is for you. Pastor Steven will share more about our mission, vision and core values, as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. 

Join us on May 1st! Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Register on Church Center.

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: What’s better than a road trip with 30 or so of your favorite Bridge women?! We would love for you to come with us to Indianapolis on June 16-18. For more details on the conference, check out https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/tgcw22/ If you’d like to join with our group, please contact Natalie Runyon.

Church Center: There's an app for that! Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. This app will house our calendar, directory, enable you to register for classes, pre-check your kids in for Children's Ministry, send you push notifications for events, and so much more! Need help navigating this app? See Natalie Runyon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

April 30: Treehouse Spring Baby Shower

April 30: Riverbend Earth Day from 11:30-4:00

Nursery: Nursery volunteers needed! We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious, cute, and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam.

Hospitality: Our Bridge Family loves to chat over donuts on Sunday mornings, and we need a few people who can arrive early each week to start the coffee and make lemonade. To sign up, see Nikki Fiedler. .

Youth Group: Everyone loves a good story and, as Christians, we have been gifted with the greatest story ever told: God's story. OUR story. Beginning Sunday, March 6th, the Middle School and High School Youth will begin to explore the Bible as a continuous, chronological story. We'll begin at 6:00 with a time of interacting with scripture in a way that helps us fully engage with God's story and our place in it. Echo the Story will take place 6-8 on Sundays for 12 weeks (excluding Easter Sunday & Mother’s Day) March 6th-June 5th. We hope you'll plan to join us for this special storytime!

Women's Bible Study: Interested in studying the Bible with other women? Now is a great time to join us as we begin our study of Exodus, using Jen Wilkin's book God of Deliverance. Study begins on Monday, March 14 at 10 AM. Talk to Martha Pfister or Jennifer Brown for more info.

March 2022 Announcements

March Mission Partner: The Restore Network

17,000 children are in foster care in the state of Illinois. 475 more will enter the system this month due to abuse or neglect. Beyond the sheer number of children placed in foster care in Illinois, more than a third of them shuffle homes four or more times while they’re in care. They are placed in group facilities or homes with the nearest empty beds, not necessarily the homes best suited to help them heal from their trauma. This is a problem we can fix. Fostering can be hard. So, The Restore Network partners with the local church to make it easier for more families to say “yes” to the vulnerable children who need them. We each have a part to play in the solution. Check out The Restore Network to learn more about how you can get involved in this important ministry. The Bridge will match up to $500 in donations to The Restore Network in the month of March. Indicate in the memo of your check or online donation that your contribution is for The Restore Network.

Communion: 3/13

February Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Intro to The Bridge: Whether you are brand new or have been attending for a while, if you would like to learn more about The Bridge, this meeting is for you. Pastor Steven will share more about our mission, vision and core values, as well as ways to connect in community and plug in to serve. 

Lunch will be provided. Childcare will not be available, but you are welcome to bring your children along. Reservations are required and the meeting is limited to 15 adults. Register on Church Center.

Restore Network Banquet: Please join us for a virtual viewing of the annual Restore Network Banquet on Thursday, March 24, 2022 in The Bridge Fellowship Hall. We will celebrate how God is moving to care for children in foster care, share stories from The Restore Network ministry, and have a special performance from our Restore Kids. All banquet costs are underwritten by businesses, so 100% of every dollar given will go to help children in foster care! Dinner begins at 6, and the program at 7. Register on the Church Center app.

Church Center: There's an app for that! Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. This app will house our calendar, directory, enable you to register for classes, pre-check your kids in for Children's Ministry, send you push notifications for events, and so much more! Need help navigating this app? See Natalie Runyon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

March 5: The Three Rivers Project's Seed Swap @ Old Bakery from 11:30am-2:00pm

March 5: Towata : A Celebration of Art // Closing @ Jacoby Arts Center

March 8: "A Moonlight Concert" presented by the Alton High Conservatory 7pm @ Community Christian Church

Welcome Team: Those on the Welcome Team are the first point of contact for people as they enter the building. We are looking for friendly greeters to serve once a month. Contact Nikki Fiedler if you would like to shadow and learn more.

Nursery Subs: We have been blessed with lots of babies at The Bridge, and we are in need of a few more people to care for the smallest members of our Bridge family. If you can rock and pray over babies, please talk to Jill Adam.

Youth Group: Everyone loves a good story and, as Christians, we have been gifted with the greatest story ever told: God's story. OUR story. Beginning Sunday, March 6th, the Middle School and High School Youth will begin to explore the Bible as a continuous, chronological story. We'll begin at 6:00 with a time of interacting with scripture in a way that helps us fully engage with God's story and our place in it. Echo the Story will take place 6-8 on Sundays for 12 weeks (excluding Easter Sunday & Mother’s Day) March 6th-June 5th. We hope you'll plan to join us for this special storytime!

Women's Bible Study: Interested in studying the Bible with other women? Now is a great time to join us as we begin our study of Exodus, using Jen Wilkin's book God of Deliverance. Study begins on Monday, March 14 at 10 AM. Talk to Martha Pfister or Jennifer Brown for more info.

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.

February 2022 Announcements

February Mission Partner: Save Street Children Uganda

In Uganda, there are over 10,000 children living and working on the streets. All children in street situations have experienced different forms of violence; emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, child labor and exploitation. Extreme poverty, domestic violence, peer pressure, the existence of work opportunities, child neglect, death of parents/caregivers and family breakups are some of the major factors that lure children to leave home and gain strong connections to the street. Child hard labour is rampant amongst children in street situations, as they are compelled to engage in different forms of work, including collecting and selling scrap and bottles; engaging in casual labour; hawking or vending; engaging in commercial sex; pick pocketing; as well as drug dealing. Save Street Children Uganda is a national not for profit Non-Governmental Organization working to promote and protect the rights of children in street situations and other vulnerable children in Uganda through rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration. Check out their website to learn more. The Bridge will match up to $500 in donations to Save Street Children in the month of February. Simply indicate in the memo of your check or your online donation that your contribution is for SSCU. 

Communion: 2/20

February Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but memorizing scripture isn't just for kids! The best way to commit the verse to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help in The Bridge Kids Amazon and Spotify playlists or on YouTube.

Bridge Kids: Little kids can do big things, too, and in the month of February we will be encouraging our Bridge Kids to contribute their money toward the purchase of an animal for a family served by Save Street Children Uganda. Animals can be used for both food and to generate income for a family. For $30 we can gift a rabbit, $90 a goat, and $200 a pig. The basket for this special offering will be at the child check-in station. 

Bridge Family Meeting: If you consider The Bridge to be your church home, please join us on Sunday, February 6 at 6:00 PM for our Bridge Family Meeting. Come learn what's in store for The Bridge in 2022! 

Church Center: There's an app for that! Download the Church Center app, make Bridge to Grace your church and stay connected. This app will house our calendar, directory, enable you to register for classes, pre-check your kids in for Children's Ministry, send you push notifications for events, and so much more! Need help navigating this app? See Natalie Runyon.

Freed Up Financial: This course pairs sound financial knowledge with Biblical principles of money management, guiding participants to develop a personal spending plan that reflects both in a healthy, balanced way. Explore what the Bible and the culture say about the five financial areas of life (earning, giving, saving, debt and spending). Saturdays Feb 12, Feb 19th and Feb 26th from 9am-noon in the Adult class room at The Bridge (cost for this course is FREE, registration deadline is Sunday, Feb 6th) Interested? Look for the Registration table in the Lobby or see Jeff Maynard.

IF 2022: Be a part of IF:2022 on March 4th and 5th as we grow deeper together and remember that God is always bigger than the darkness! Ladies, invite your friends and register for IF: The Bridge HERE. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this event, contact Natalie Runyon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

February 4: Towata: A Celebration of Art // Reception @ Jacoby Arts Center

February 19:  Ice Jam at the Dam @ National Great Rivers Museum

February 21: Rescheduled MLK Litter Clean Up @Killion Park at Salu

February 27: Anchor Co. Night of Worship @Post Commons

Welcome Team: Those on the Welcome Team are the first point of contact for people as they enter the building. We are looking for friendly greeters to serve once a month. Contact Nikki Fiedler (618-520-0725) if you would like to shadow and learn more.

Nursery Subs: We have been blessed with lots of babies at The Bridge, and we are in need of a few more people to care for the smallest members of our Bridge family. If you can rock and pray over babies, please talk to Jill Adam.

Youth Group: Everyone loves a good story and, as Christians, we have been gifted with the greatest story ever told: God's story. OUR story. Beginning Sunday, March 6th, the Middle School and High School Youth will begin to explore the Bible as a continuous, chronological story. We'll begin at 6:00 with a shared meal and then move into a time of interacting with scripture in a way that helps us fully engage with God's story and our place in it. Echo the Story will take place 6-8 on Sundays for 12 weeks (excluding Easter Sunday & Mother’s Day) March 6th-June 5th. We hope you'll plan to join us for this special storytime!

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.  

Have questions about something you see here? Email us at connect@bridgetograce.org for more information.

January 2022 Announcements

January Mission Partner: Mosaic PHC transforms lives by providing free, life-affirming pregnancy & sexual health services, education and Christ-centered support. During the month of January, The Bridge will match your donations designated to Mosaic up to $500.

Communion: 1/16 and 1/30

Brunch at The Bridge: Ladies - Make plans to join us for brunch on Saturday, January 22 at 9 AM. This is a great opportunity to connect with friends and make new ones. RSVP through the Facebook event.

January Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but the best way to commit it to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help here:

Children’s Ministry Updates: We are excited to use The Gospel Story for Kids curriculum beginning in 2022. Focusing on key Bible stories that highlight God’s plan of redemption, this curriculum will help our Bridge Kids see that the Bible is one story with Jesus as the hero!

Corresponding devotions to use at home throughout the week can be found in The Gospel Story Bible and Long Story Short. These are great resources to use with your kids to help them grow in their understanding of the Bible.

Find the Children's Ministry schedule HERE!

Looking for some kid friendly music to listen to in the car? Check out our Bridge Kids playlists! Featuring our monthly memory verses as well as lots of other fun songs, you can find these on both Spotify and Amazon.

IF:2022 is a two-day event where women all over the world gather together, get equipped, and discover the next step in their calling: to go and make disciples. Register for IF: The Bridge HERE!

Bridge Family Meeting: Mark your calendar for February 6 at 6:00 PM and come hear what is in store for The Bridge in 2022.

Freed-Up Financial Living - Saturdays Feb 12, Feb 19th and Feb 26th from 9am-noon in the Adult class room at The Bridge (cost for this course is FREE, registration deadline is Sunday, Feb 6th)

  • Freed-Up from Debt - May TBD (one day)

  • Freed-Up in Later Life - Aug TBD (one day)

  • Raising Financially Freed-Up Kids - Nov TBD (one day)

Interested? Look for the Registration table in the Lobby beginning Sunday, January 16th!

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

January 8: Eagle Ice Fest @ The Audubon Center at Riverlands 

January 15: Community Clothes Swap @ Milton Schoolhouse

January 17: Moonlight Hike @ The Nature Institute

Welcome Team: Those on the Welcome Team are the first point of contact for people as they enter the building. We are looking for friendly greeters to serve once a month. Contact Nikki Fiedler if you would like to shadow and learn more.

Student Ministries: Middle and high school student ministries will resume on Sunday, January 16.

Women’s Bible Study: Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

Join us on Monday mornings beginning on January 10, 2022 as biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland transports us back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Jesus and Women examines the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only help us understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel our worship of Him today. Childcare is available for this study. See Natalie Runyon for details.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.

Announcements for December 2021

Prison Fellowship Gift Delivery: Thanks to the generosity of our Bridge Family, we have collected gifts for 35 local children who will spend their Christmas apart from a parent who is incarcerated. We have created a “party to go” bag for each family containing hot cocoa and cookie decorating kits, Christmas ornament crafts, and other activities, along with gospel centered material provided by Prison Fellowship. We will be delivering these, along with each child’s gift on Saturday, December 11. We are looking for cheerful volunteers to help deliver. If you’d like to participate, please contact Cathy Coffman. 

Communion: 12/12 and 12/19 at the Candlelight Service

Christmas Caroling and Cocoa: Whether you are a skilled singer or can hardly carry a tune, we need you! On Sunday, December 12 at 6:00 PM we will be caroling through the Middletown neighborhood. The more, the merrier! We will carol for about an hour and then enjoy hot cocoa in the Fellowship Hall. 

Christmas Candlelight Service: The Candlelight Service is a special night of worship at The Bridge. Bring your friends and family and join us Sunday, December 19 at 6:00 PM. This service fills up quickly, so plan to arrive early.

December Memory Verse:

Fliers with the monthly memory verse are now available at child check-in. Each week our Bridge Kids will work on the verse in class, but the best way to commit it to memory is practicing throughout the month. You can find a song to help here:

Children’s Ministry Updates: We are excited to use The Gospel Story for Kids curriculum beginning in 2022. Focusing on key Bible stories that highlight God’s plan of redemption, this curriculum will help our Bridge Kids see that the Bible is one story with Jesus as the hero!

Corresponding devotions to use at home throughout the week can be found in The Gospel Story Bible and Long Story Short. These are great resources to use with your kids to help them grow in their understanding of the Bible

Looking for some kid friendly music to listen to in the car? Check out our Bridge Kids playlists! Featuring our monthly memory verses as well as lots of other fun songs, you can find these on both Spotify and Amazon.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

December 3: First Fridays Late Night Art and Shopping Experience in Downtown Alton

December 3: Towata: A Celebration of Art // Opening at Jacoby Arts Center

December 4-5: ABOB Olde Alton Arts & Craft Fair @ Alton High School

December 17-18: Espwa Collective Fair Trade Pop-Up @ Post Commons

December 19: Anchor Co. Night of Worship at 7PM @ Post Commons

Student Ministries: Students are invited to participate in the Christmas Caroling and Cocoa on 12/12. Middle and high school student ministries will resume on Sunday, January 9.

Women’s Bible Study: Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

Join us on Monday mornings beginning on January 10, 2022 as biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland transports us back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Jesus and Women examines the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only help us understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel our worship of Him today. Childcare is available for this study. See Natalie Runyon for details.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.

Announcements for November 2021

November Mission Partner: Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Ministry

One in 28 children in the U.S. has a parent behind bars - equal to one child in each classroom. Incarceration can strain family ties to the breaking point. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree provides an opportunity for local congregations to extend the hope of the Gospel and enfold Angel Tree families into church life through delivering Christmas gifts, and more.

The Bridge Christmas tree will be decorated with more than lights and ornaments this year! You’ll soon see 35 angel gift tags for area children. Through the month of November, rather than donating to our mission partner, please take a tag from the tree and purchase a gift for a child on behalf of their incarcerated parent. Place your gift under our tree and we will deliver them in December. If you’d like to help deliver, or have questions, contact Cathy Coffman or Natalie Runyon.

Communion: November 21

If you are tuning in via livestream and would like the elements delivered to you, please contact Natalie Runyon or Nikki Fiedler.

21 Days of Prayer: From November 1 - November 21 we are asking each person who calls The Bridge their home to join us in focused and intentional prayer. Below are some details on our 21 day prayer initiative. We will be utilizing an app called Pray First. The app has prayer plans, music, and areas for you to record your prayers. There are a lot of resources! Feel free to use them as you feel led. For this particular initiative, we will use the following schedule:

11/1-11/7 - Lord's Prayer
11/8-11/14 - Prayer of Jabez and Psalm 23 (11/12), James 4:8 (11/13), Romans 8:38-39 (11/14)
11/15-11/21 - Those Who Need God and Jeremiah 29:11-13 (11/20), Hebrews 13:5 (11/21)

If you do not have the capability to download an app, or prefer not to, you can find much of the same information here: https://21days.churchofthehighlands.com/files/2021/2021-pray-first.pdf

The church sanctuary will be open for prayer at the following times during the initiative:
Monday - 12-12:21 PM
Tuesday - 8-8:21 AM
Wed. - 12-12:21 PM
Thursday - 8-8:21 AM
Friday - 8-8:21 AM
Each Sunday morning, the building will be open at 9 AM for anyone who wants to come inside and pray. We encourage you to prayer walk around and through the building from 9-9:21 AM.

Should you desire specific prayer during these twenty-one days, we will have an intercessory prayer team available to pray for and with you. If you would like to uphold others in prayer and join the intercessory prayer team, please contact Pastor Steven or Natalie Runyon. Follow The Bridge on FB and IG as we share personal stories of those whose lives have been impacted through prayer.

Advent: During the Advent season, which begins November 28, our Children’s Ministry teachers will be using a curriculum called Prepare Him Room. This will also be the title of our Advent sermon series. There is a corresponding family devotional and music that we want to encourage our Bridge family to utilize during this season.

The family devotional can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Prepare-Him-Room-Celebrating-Devotional/dp/1939946530/ref=nodl_

And the album here: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2S4hScXPQwHVngKf46D9WW6tuBp1Wtro

November Memory Verse:

Our November memory verse is the first of our two scripture memory passages for Advent. As you memorize these verses, dwell on what they tell us about Jesus. Which of these names most ministers to your heart right now and why? Ask your kids the same. Listen to the song throughout the month and you’ll find memorizing scripture is easier than you thought!

Bridge Family Movie Night: “Just keep swimming!” Swim (or drive!) on down to the Roxana Nazarene Theater, Saturday, November 13 at 6:00 PM. We will be watching Finding Nemo and Pastor Steven will share how we can see hints of the gospel in every good story. The movie is free and concessions will be available for purchase.

Mountain TOP Parent Meeting: Is your middle or high school student interested in attending the Mountain TOP mission trip in July 2022? There will be a parent meeting on Sunday, November 14 at 11:45 AM that will cover details such as the financial obligations of participants, information on dates and deadlines, and some changes to next summer's trip, as well as a time for Q&A.

High School Friendsgiving: Who doesn’t love Friendsgiving?! High school students - bring a dish that represents your family in some way, invite your friends and meet us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 28 from 6-8 PM.

The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Women’s Conference: When the trials of life weigh us down, meditating on our great salvation helps restore our joy. This hope is the theme of our upcoming women’s conference, Remember Your Joy. Over three days we will gather with women from around the world to consider how seven Old Testament stories point to our greater salvation in Christ—and lead us to greater joy. From June 16-18, 2022, The Gospel Coalition will be holding a conference for women in Indianapolis. If you’d like to attend along with other women from The Bridge, please contact Natalie Runyon or Jacquelyn Cato. For more details, check out https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/tgcw22/#theme

Save the Date:

Christmas Caroling and Cookies: Sunday, December 12 at 6:00 PM

Christmas Candlelight Service: Sunday, December 19 at 6:00 PM

IF: Gathering- March 4-5, 2022

Women’s Advent Study: Our Hope Has Come - In this 5-session Advent study, we will take a closer look at the Christmas story and the hope revealed in the lives of people in the Bible whose obedience and yeses to God’s plans, even in difficult times, gave them great joy and led to God’s glory in their lives and generations to come. As we explore the hope that Jesus brings, we'll learn to trust God's care for us as His beloved children in both times of abundance and times of lament.

No matter what you’re facing, at just the right time, in the fullness of time, God will act on your behalf too. In fact, He already has. In the advent season, we celebrate God’s kindness to us, even as we wait on the future hope to come.

Join us on Mondays from 10-11:30 AM beginning November 15. To order a book, contact Natalie Runyon this week.

Community Groups: Interested in connecting with a Community Group? Email jon.davis@bridgetograce.org for more information about community group opportunities.