You’re Right Where God Wants You
/Genesis 27:41-30:34
“Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, ‘The days of mourning for my father are approaching; then I will kill my brother Jacob.’” Genesis 27:41
In the previous chapter, we see Isaac bless Jacob with prosperity, protection, and dominion over the people, including his brother. These were blessings that would have typically been given to the oldest son, which in this case, would be Esau. Esau was fuming with envy and pride because his younger brother was going to receive something that he felt entitled to have. So much so, that he wanted to kill his younger brother.
As someone in my 20s, I find this relatable. Although I would never consider extreme measures as Esau did, I sometimes find myself feeling envious of the blessings other people my age have received that I haven’t. In a world of social media, we are constantly exposed to the highlighted moments of millions of people’s lives. It’s so easy to look around at what everyone else is doing and feel like you’re not doing enough yourself.
“Why do they get to travel and live in new cities all the time, and I don’t? They are so successful in their career, and I still have no idea what I want to do. How is it that everyone around me is in a perfect relationship but nothing ever seems to work out for me?”
These are some thoughts that I’ve had one time or another, and I know a lot of people my age can relate. Being in your 20s is such an interesting time. People are doing vastly different things. Something that I’ve been slowly but surely learning to do is see the beauty in this. How cool is it that God has each of us on our own individual, but equally beautiful path! God has unique plans for each of us and has us exactly where we are because that’s exactly where He wants us. If He wanted us somewhere else, we would be somewhere else.
We can’t compare what God is doing in our lives to what He’s doing in our friend’s or family member’s lives. Wishing that God would bless us with the same things He’s blessed those around us with does way more harm than good. It distracts us from what He is currently doing in our lives and prevents Him from being able to use us in ways He wants to because we are so worried about what we don’t have.
So next time you find yourself feeling envious of others’ blessings, especially ones you feel as though you have a right to receive as well, remember that God simply knows better. He hasn’t blessed you with these things because He has something better in store for you. Even if it feels like everything you’re doing right now is “boring” or “ordinary,” God can do so much through seemingly simple, ordinary things. He has you right where He wants you!
Carmen K