The God Who Sees Me
/Genesis 15-17
Have you ever waited so long for God to fulfill a promise that you begin to lose hope and decide you’re better off taking matters into your own hands? If so, you’re not alone.
In these chapters, God makes several big promises to Abram. He promises that Abram’s descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky, that these descendants will inherit land, and that they will be freed from slavery. At first, Abram believes in these promises, but as time goes on, he begins to lose faith. His wife is old and struggling to bear a child, so the couple decides to take matters into their own hands. Abram agrees to have a child with his wife’s maidservant, Hagar.
After finding out she is pregnant and facing harsh treatment by Sarai, Hagar flees to the wilderness. Here, God appears to her, telling her that he hears her affliction. He makes a promise to her that her son will be the father of a great nation. In this moment, Hagar refers to God as “El Roi.” This is a Hebrew name for God meaning, “The God who sees me.”
What a beautiful reminder for all of us. God sees us. He sees our pain, our struggles, and our sin. He sees us take matters into our own hands when His promises are taking too long.
Not only does he see us, but He chooses to stay with us and use our mistakes for His good. He doesn’t let us sit in our pain or sin but guides us back on track. Right before God promises that He will use Hagar’s mistake for good, he tells her to return to Sarai and submit to her. He doesn’t let her sit in her pain but leads her back to work.
God does the same for us. When we get impatient and choose our own way over His, He doesn’t shame us, but covers us in His love. He uses our mistakes for good and guides us back into His arms. He wants the best for us. He knows us way better than we know ourselves and has a perfect plan for each of us even when His plan seems to make no sense. No one’s walk with God is perfect. We all make mistakes, and try to do things our way at times, but luckily, we can rest in knowing that if we’re seeking God, He will always lead us back where we belong.
Carmen K