It is Not Good for Man to be Alone

Genesis 2:4-25

“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him’” Genesis 2:18.

I love revisiting the creation story because no matter how many times I re-read the same story, God never fails to teach me something new. This time, He drew my attention to His creation of Eve. God, in His magnificence, created the heavens and the earth. Then, He created Adam. His work was incredibly beautiful, yet God looked at all He created and felt like something was missing. He looked at Adam and said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” Then, he created Eve.

Eve was the finishing touch in God’s beautiful masterpiece. His work was not finished until she was created. This world often puts a lot of pressure on women. As a girl in my 20s, I have definitely felt this pressure, and I know that it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that you are not living up to the expectations. However, this verse speaks volumes about the value that women bring to the table. God’s creation was not complete until we came to be. Our presence in this world and our mere existence alone is valuable beyond our comprehension.

This verse also reminds us of the importance of community and communion with God. We are not meant to do life alone. Each of us have a deep, inherent desire to belong and an ache within us that craves to be known. We want to be a part of something, and we long for deep connection with others. We can’t do life on our own. Attempting to do so will leave us hurt and lost every single time. Isolating ourselves, especially during hard times, makes room for the enemy to creep in and pour lies into our minds. We need each other, and we need God. Life becomes so full and so beautiful when we fill it with God’s love and surround ourselves with people who reflect this love. Find the people in your life who help you see yourself as God does. The ones who help you sort through all the ugly pieces of yourself, picking up each one and pointing out the endless beauty hidden within. I encourage you to let God’s love fill you up today. Prioritize your relationship with Him and with others and remember how valuable you are in this world. <3
