Pursue Love

“And it began to resemble what I once imagined church might be like, a church you could bear, where people laughed and enjoyed each other and did not care if they were right all the time or if other people were wrong.”*

I hope you’ve found that at The Bridge, that you’ve found a refuge with his people here, not because we’ve discovered the right answers but because we’re leaning into the Spirit and learning how to love. Yes, the sermons are crafted with prayer and care- God’s Word for God’s people in this moment. The songs are selected not to showcase our gifts, but to glorify God. We know how to throw a party, and we fellowship well, but without love all of these are useless, merely distracting entertainment.

We are weary travelers, longing for our true home. One day, and soon, we will see the Word himself face to face, and we will fall flat on ours. We will worship around the throne of God with our brothers and sisters of every tribe, nation, language, and tongue and together we will sing a new song. Soon, very soon, we will fellowship like never before at the wedding feast of the Lamb. There will no longer be need for prophecies, tongues, or any spiritual gifts to guide the church.

We will be home.

For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror, but on that day, we will know him fully, just as he already fully knows us. And what then will remain? Faith. Hope. Love. But the greatest of these is love. We desire spiritual gifts, but love we pursue. 

It’s a joy to pursue love alongside you, Bridge Family.


*From “I Cheerfully Refuse” by Leif Enger.