Our Perfect Hero
/Psalm 117 is the shortest psalm in the Bible. Yet it announces some of the perfect things that we should celebrate about the LORD God. This psalm describes God’s steadfast love as great and His faithfulness as enduring forever.
When I was a young boy, I can remember several times when I argued with friends about whose dad could beat up the other. I never once argued against my own but rather always for him fervently trusting in his ability. Looking back, I can now see that some of my friend’s dads could’ve been a hand-full, but I had complete confidence in my dad because he had always been my hero when I needed him as a young boy. How fortunate I was to have that kind of confidence in my earthly father and the security it provided for me as a young boy. In the years since my childhood, I’ve encountered the stark reality of my dad’s limitations and physical abilities. While a great man in my life, he is no longer with me. Yet part of his loving faithful legacy was that he directed my attention to the One who is perfect and never forsakes His own – Jesus. And for that, I am eternally grateful!
Psalm 117 is a psalm that might be sung following a Jewish feast such as Passover. The song was a response to the heroic works of God to deliver His people from their bondage and into a gracious covenant relationship with Him. It was and is a psalm of confidence in the LORD as the object of His people’s affection. It was and is still to be a psalm of hope for God’s people as we remember that His steadfast love is great and His faithfulness will never end. There is no one else like our Great God – great is His steadfast love and His faithfulness endures forever!
Where do you find your spiritual security right now? My earthly father was a fine man but still just a man with limitations much like my own today. And yet there was something special about the confidence I was able to have in him that carried me along. How much more should you and I have confidence in our Great God and Heavenly Father that has shown His extreme love for us by sending His Own Dear Son to rescue us from the curse of sin and give us eternal life with Him. He is our perfect eternal Hero and Friend. Today, He invites you to know and trust in Him with complete confidence. As we grow in Christ, He will reveal His unlimited love and enduring faithfulness. Let us find our greatest security in His constant love for us! Let us place our greatest hope in His faithfulness that endures forever! May our assurance of these things come through Jesus Christ, the guarantor of all God’s promises.
Grateful and hopeful in Christ,