For Our Good & His Glory

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“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…”
- Romans 8:28-29a

Do you believe this?

Do you believe, even in your most challenging of times – the deepest of valleys – the most uncertain of moments, He works all things together for good?

He has a plan in all of it. He wants us to be “conformed to the image of His Son.” God wants us to become more like Jesus. This is His heart and plan for us on this planet – to be transformed into His likeness – and to grow closer and closer to Him.


“For God so loved the world.”

He loves us. And He knows we are at our best when our hearts and minds love Him. He is good to us, and He is good for us. We were made for Him. And we were made to be like Him.

When we consistently follow the desires of our flesh – when we place ourselves on the throne of our hearts – when we believe that we can work things together for our good better than our Creator can – we become “dull of hearing.”

The original readers of Hebrews had become “dull of hearing.” Just after telling them about Jesus’ role as High Priest, the author of Hebrews wants to dive deeper in spiritual teaching that would make them more like Christ – for their good and for His glory. But he has to pause and lament their need for spiritual milk, rather than meat. He can’t take them where he wants to take them, because they have chosen other things over Jesus.

Where does God want to take you? What’s in the way?

If you identify with those still sipping on the bottle, rather than feasting at the table, there is encouragement to come! Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” The good news is this: your growth is not dependent on you alone! He is faithful. But He’s inviting you to put down the bottle. He can’t do what He desires to do in your life while you’re still prioritizing other things over Him. Open His Word. Sit with Him. Pray to Him. Enter into community with His people. Serve Him and others. Know Him. Know His goodness! Be quick to hearing. He is faithful. It won't always be easy, but it will be good, and you’ll be feasting at the table before you know it!

If you identify with those eating hearty steak and mashed potatoes, with whom are you sharing your meal? You’ve tasted and seen that God is good; don’t be gluttons with the good news. Ask God what He doing around you, and enter into it! Share your meal! Make space at the table! No matter your season of life, God is not finished with you yet. We’re all on this side of eternity, and there are hearts to reclaim and a kingdom to build. Find someone today who may be cautiously sipping on a bottle, and faithfully walk with them until they can feast at the table beside you. There is much to be learned along the way.

He loves us, and He wants more of us, for our good and His glory. Will you let him reclaim territory that's rightfully His in your heart? May this be our prayer heading into this weekend: Father, please take what's yours. We trust You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday!