CG Questions: Hebrews 5:11-6:3

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Here are two sets of questions that will help facilitate and guide your discussions this week.  Praying for you!

1.       Have you ever struggled to master a subject or concept in school? Did you need to have someone explain a topic more thoroughly to you? How did you feel when the light finally turned on and you grasped the concept? Were you able to master the material? 

2.       The writer of Hebrews encourages us to study the word of God diligently so we can begin to understand the deeper truths of our relationship with God. Is there a concept of the word of God with which you struggle? Would you be willing to share it? God sent His Spirit to us to lead us into all truth. He also gives us each other to learn together as we review His word.

3.       What does it mean to be dull of hearing? Have you ever found yourself in conversation with someone but not really listening? Have you ever been found out?  Ouch! The writer shares our dullness of hearing is often the reason we don’t understand. How can we better tune our ears so we are able to listen closely to God and His Spirit as He seeks to teach us?

4.       In chapter 6 verses 1-3, the writer lists the basics or the ABCs that his listeners should have mastered by now. What are they? What are the basics of the faith that you rely upon and that give you the most comfort? Is there the need to continually revisit these truths? How have you built upon these truths?

5.       The writer encourages his listeners to move on from the basics (milk) to solid food (more in-depth truths of God’s word and our relationship with His Son). How are you doing in applying yourself to diligent study? How might you improve your efforts to learn from His Spirit and from one another?

6.       What is the outcome that the writer is seeking for his listeners as it relates to their powers of discernment? Can you think of a time that you sought the truth of God’s word and the Spirit’s guidance as it relates to a situation you have faced recently? Would you be willing to share it?

7.       The writer has an expectation that we grow so that we will be able to explain the truths to others. Is there someone you know with whom you are sharing or want to share the good news of the gospel? How can we pray for you as you seek to share?

And here is the second set:

Has this study in Hebrews had any positive effects on your life? Please explain.

1. What is the writer referring to in verse 11 when he says “About this, we have much to say”

2. How has the audience demonstrated dullness of hearing?

3. What does the writer mean when he says “the basic principles of the oracles of God” and “the word of righteousness“?

4. What is the milk that the writer is referring to?  Solid food?

5. Why do you think the writer refers to his audience as unskilled and as a child in reference to the word of righteousness?  How does the writer expect them to be?

6. Is the writer addressing a case of childlike faith or defiance?

7. How do you see your current need?  Seeking milk or solid food? Why?

8. Reflect: Do you find yourself more inclined to seek teaching or give it in regard to the gospel of Jesus?

9. Share some ways that you’ve seen the power of discernment help you along in your faith journey?  Ways Gods used it in you to help others?

10. What are ways we can practice distinguishing good from evil?

11. How vital is growth as a follower of Jesus? What signs of growth do you see in your life as a follower of Christ?

12. How vital is your growth to helping others mature in Christ? What is God’s part to play in our growth & maturity in Christ?