Community Group Questions: Hebrews 3:1-6

CG Questions: Hebrews 3:1-6

Opening Question

Sometimes people ask...what is "your calling in life?"  Do you know what your "calling" is?  How would you describe it?

1. The author of Hebrews 3:1 says we share in a "heavenly calling."  What's that heavenly calling look like?  Who do we share it with?

2. When you look at yourself in the mirror how do you see yourself?  How do you describe yourself?  Is the word "holy" included in your description of yourself?  That's how Hebrews 3:1 describes us.

3. What is a working definition of "holy?"  How is a person made "holy?"  How might it benefit us to see ourselves as "holy?"

4. "Consider/study/stare at Jesus."  Think of a time when you really studied another person.  It could be your spouse of child (especially shortly after our children are born) or a parent or grandparent or a friend or maybe a mentor or hero.  What all did you "study?"  Characteristics, appearance, personality, hobbies, likes, dislikes etc.  How does "considering" that other person help you know that person better?

5. Now consider Jesus.  What characteristics do you admire most about Him?  Why do you admire Him?  How does meditating on these characteristics cause your faith to grow?

6. Hebrews 3:1 describes Jesus as an apostle.  How was Jesus an apostle?  (Apostle means "sent out one.")  What was Jesus sent out to do?  How are you being "sent out" today? (See John 20:19-23)  Who are the people Jesus is "sending you to?"  Where are the places Jesus is sending you?

7. Jesus is also described as a high priest.  What does a high priest do?  How can we make sure we remember Jesus does this for us?

8. Heb. 3:3 says that Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses.  How can one person have more glory than another?  

9. What are the similarities and differences between a house and the builder of the house?

10. What house did Jesus build?  

11. What's the difference between a servant and a son?

12. How are we "God's house?"  (2 Cor. 4:7)

13. What's the purpose of the "if" indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope?

14. How do we "hold fast" to our confidence?

15. What's "boasting in our hope" look like?