Sons and Daughters

A few days ago, a couple of my friends received a phone call from across the country informing them that a baby boy had been born. The voice on the phone told them he was in need of adoptive parents. They had prayed for this opportunity – for this little boy – for years. At a moment’s notice, they dropped everything, flew across the country, dropped off their daughter at a family member’s home, and then drove another 8 hours overnight to pick him up.

Upon seeing him, they immediately picked him up, cherished him, loved him. They gave him a name: Theodore, or Teddy, which aptly means God’s gift. 

In her Facebook post, my friend wrote this about Theodore: “We have waited and waited and prayed for this day to come.”

When they arrived home, their daughter Evie, who is 3, wanted to throw him a birthday party, so they bought a cake and celebrated his homecoming with a birthday party.

Teddy isn’t an intrusion, a burden, or reluctantly accepted.

He was and is prayed for. He is loved. He is precious.

We were all – at one time – spiritual orphans. Our sin and our brokenness left us enslaved and separated from our Abba Father who has always graciously offered a way back to Him. And miraculously, we were devotedly prayed for. We were desperately loved. We were undeservedly precious. 

Even when we were far from Him, Jesus was praying we would come to know Him. Jesus died so we could come to know Him. And the moment we acknowledge our sin – the moment we acknowledge our desperate need for adoption by our perfect Father – Jesus picks up the proverbial phone and tells the Father He has a brother or sister in need of adoption. And because of Jesus, we, too, have the right to become sons and daughters of God and heirs of His glory.

Hebrews 2:10-18 tells us this: we desperately need a Savior, and that Savior, Jesus, is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters. That birthday party Evie wanted throw for her little brother Teddy is but a glimpse into the elation that erupts in heaven when one human being comes to know God through Jesus. Luke 15:7 says, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

Father, please continually help us to see our need for You and our glorious acceptance by You in Jesus. Help us to see Your magnificence, Your glory, Your extravagant love, and may we be image bearers who reflect You in a way that causes many more to know You. May we celebrate in the way heaven does when we gain a brother or sister! Thank You for Your grace and for Jesus, who broke the power of him who holds the power of death and gave us freedom. In His Name, Amen. 

See you Sunday!