Don't Play With Snakes

As we continue in Ephesians’ instructions for a Christian household, this week’s scripture brings us to how children should act. Whether you have children or not, we are all children. Physically here on earth but also to our heavenly father. Thankfully, Paul’s instructions are simple.


That’s it. Too bad simple and easy do not always correlate. Whether it’s to your parents (earthly or heavenly), a teacher, coach, manager, or an elected official, it’s easy to push against instruction. The reasons are plentiful, but the root lies in our pride of thinking we know what is right or best.

Looking back on my adolescence, these verses sting a bit as I certainly thought I had life figured out. I’m grateful my parents continued to give me fish instead of snakes (Matthew 7 9:12), as I was wrong way more often than right and their steady guidance has greatly shaped me to this day. Sometimes you just have to smile at God’s sense of humor as I see some of my unwelcomed tendencies in my young kids, but thankfully Paul also provides a simple message on parenting.

“Do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Also simple but as we lead our children, or a friend, co-worker, relative, if they can see us obeying Jesus’ teachings, how much more likely will they obey the instruction provided to them?

-Alex Pfister