The Faith of Children
/"And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?”
Matthew 21: 14-16
I asked some of our Bridge kids what they loved about Jesus. Here are their responses.
“He is amazing!”
-Brooklyn, 8
“Jesus is always nice and He loves us, and He died on the cross for our sins!”
-Emilia, 7
“I love Jesus because he’s the true God.”-
Sophie, 10
“I love that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins, and I’m thankful to God for my whole family.”
-Theo, 5
“What Theo said.”
-Vincent, 3
“Because he loves everybody...even my Moose and Blankie.
-Henry, 6
“He made stuffed animals.”
-Grace, 7- (who loves animals, but is allergic to them, and is thankful God made a substitute for her.)
“He died for us, and he came down for us. I’m thankful he made everything for us, like my Mimi, my friends, my family, my room….everything.”
-Avery, 5
“I am thankful to God for my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers. I love that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.”
-Alex, 7
“He gave me Mom and Dad.”
-Boston, 5
“I’m thankful to God for letting Jesus die on the cross for our sins. “- Billie, 9
“He gives me clothes and he gives me strength (flexes muscles). I am grateful for my mommy. “
-Willow, 3
“He died for our sins. I’m thankful to God that I’m alive.”
- Wren, 7
“He died on the cross for us."
-Jessa, 7
“He gave us animals too!"
-Emery, 8
“Jesus cares about us and he loves everyone”.
-Ian, 12
I’m thankful for Thanksgiving and my birthday party.”
-Mabel, 8
“Easter. And I have one thing to say about Jesus. He died on the cross so we could live and our sins would leave.”
- Genevieve, 5
How about you, Bridge Family? What cause do you have to praise Jesus?
I will confess, even as I asked the kids to share their answers, I felt a bit jaded. Faith can sure seem simple and sweet for children. The concerns of this world and the complexity of life sometimes make this question harder to answer as adults. But as I thought about it, my heart began to soften. I hope as we enter into this Holy Week, you will take some time to reflect on what Christ has done for you, and that as you do, your heart will be filled with the faith of a child.
“I love Jesus because he first loved me. He is gentle and kindhearted. Even when I’m not. Even when I doubt. Even when I’m angry with life, or with him. He never leaves me or forsakes me.”
-Natalie, 42