Unstoppable God

Back in the day, I was on MySpace.  I noticed a friend had shared a picture of herself and me from way, way back. As I looked through the comments on the picture, one stood out. Fifteen or so years later I still remember the words: “Has anyone convinced her to assimilate yet?” 

It turned out it wasn’t my (somewhat questionable) reputation from high school that followed me, but the choice to pursue Christ in my early 20’s that I became known for. That one careless comment held me captive for so long. The passion in my soul for Jesus’ glory was still there but knowing that a few people from high school thought I was crazy began to dictate what I did or didn’t say about Him.

A few years later I was awakened to the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world who were suffering in horrific ways, and even dying, because they couldn’t renounce the One who gave up everything for them. Since then, I have prayed over and over for the Lord to give me courage and boldness to speak aloud what I so deeply feel about Him. If I can’t talk about my Savior because someone might mock me now, how will I endure when that day of greater persecution comes? Will I be able to stand?

As the apostles stood, awaiting news of their fate that day in Acts 5, Gamaliel advised the council of Pharisees “If this plan or undertaking is of man, it will fail, but if it is of God you will not be able to overthrow them.” He fully expected this fledgling movement to fade away, but Church, our God can not be stopped! What the Lord Almighty has purposed, no one can thwart. His plan will prevail!

The Spirit powerfully moved in the hearts of those in the early church as the name of Jesus was exalted. They continued teaching in the temple and from house to house, proclaiming that Christ is Lord. And with every proclamation the Church grew, numerically yes, but also with increasing conviction and assurance. Do we proclaim His name like that today? Are the words that proceed from our mouth, and even our social media posts, good news of the gospel or have we been taken captive by the bad news of this world?

What is in your heart today? For years, I have had conviction, but not courage. May His power increase in us and make us brave! Maybe you are courageous and bold but are you bold in speaking about your Savior? The Spirit moves both to compel us to exalt Christ, and as a response to that exaltation. May He fill our hearts with the assurance that Christ is the sovereign Lord, and our mouths with the hope of His Gospel. 

Peter and the apostles were beaten and released that day, but they didn’t retreat. They bore wounds on their bodies, but their souls were aflame! They were beaten- and they left rejoicing! Rejoicing that they had been counted worthy- not of great honor or position, not with great wealth or fame- but worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus. 

The apostles were utterly convinced that proclaiming the name of Jesus to a world who didn’t know Him was worth it all. What are we clinging to that we value more than Him? For me, it has been my reputation. What is it for you? Brothers and sisters, He is calling us to lay those things down for His name’s sake. Let’s pray He will give us the grace to do so. 

Whatever might come in our lifetime, may the One who is Faithful and True keep us faithful until the end.
