Who is Your Hero?

Who is your hero? 

I have asked students this question on a First Day of School survey over the last fifteen years.

Here are some of the answers - Spiderman, Superman, Batman, professional athletes, singers, mom, dad, brother, sister.  These are all good answers.  It is important to have at least one hero.  The saddest answer I saw on surveys to the question was “idk” (I don’t know).  And another sad answer was - I do not have a hero.

When Peter preaches on the day of Pentecost all he can talk about is his Hero - Jesus.  Jesus is the first word in the sermon (see Acts 2:22) and after his hearers are “cut to the heart” and ask what they should do, Peter tells them they should repent and be baptized into the name of his Hero - Jesus.

How would you answer the question today - who is your hero?  It is ok to have more than one hero, but there is only One Hero worthy of all of our allegiance and worship. 

Jesus lived, died, rose and is reigning.

Jesus prays for us.  

Jesus protects us.  

Jesus rescues us from sin and selfishness and Satan.  

Jesus paid our debt so we could be forgiven.  

Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit on us.  

Jesus will never leave or forsake all who repent and call on Him and are baptized in His Name.

May we be a people who zealously brag and boast about Jesus - Son of God and Son of Man.  King of Kings.  Savior and Lord.  Hero of heroes.

Grace and peace,
