Jesus prays for Himself
/Desperate Times and Rejoicing Prayers
Reflecting on the passage this week, the LORD reminded me of many occasions that I’ve stretched my gaze toward the sky and cried aloud for God to help me. As I think about those prayers, they seem often to be done in moments of desperation. Yet there are plenty of joyous occasions that I’ve acted in this same way to celebrate with God.
In the beginning of the 17th chapter of John’s Gospel, we see Jesus demonstrating a posture that is fitting for the hour that has come upon Him. The time is near for Him to be crucified and placed on a cross for the sins of the world. In the distress of this moment, Jesus yearns to pray with His Father and His posture reveals His desperation. Yet there is also a sense of joy in His prayer as He looks forward to what will be accomplished.
Jesus was not surprised by His persecution. He was not fooled by the cross. Instead, He looked forward to the eternal joy set before Him as our Intercessor and King. He looked forward to His glorification as the Treasure of Heaven. The hour had come and he would need to go through the pain of crucifixion to achieve the glory of His resurrection and ascension. He was determined to face the temporal risks to his physical comfort and safety in order to secure the eternal glory of His Father’s will. Jesus had recently taught His disciples about the ways they would suffer for God’s service and now He is about to perform the greatest act of sacrificial love and service that the world has ever seen.
I read an article a few days ago that described how marriage is hard but worth the endeavor because of the benefits to a couple. It said that many today are neglecting marriage for personal freedom or even delaying it to avoid struggling through young life issues. In my own experience, marrying as a young man, I can testify to the great joy I’ve experienced while growing together as a couple through hardships. The glory of my marriage far outweighs any suffering I’ve incurred. I see a similar phenomenon in the Triune God and the prayer of Jesus to His Heavenly Father. He yearns for the Glory of Heaven to be seen in His life, death, and resurrection. He asks the Father to use His extreme physical suffering to bring eternal life to the world. Yet He rejoices in the fruit that it will bear and looks ahead to the relationships that will blossom between His followers and the One True God.
Jesus’ greatest passion in life is for the glory of God to be on full display! As I write this reflection, I’ve been listening to Hillsong’s “King of Kings” and I can’t help but be caught up in the glory of God that is on display in those lyrics. I’d encourage you to take a listen for yourself and rejoice in Jesus Christ – the Hope of Glory! He demonstrated that we should pray in desperate times to experience the joy that comes from knowing God and His glory. Let us call upon our Heavenly Father in our time of need. Let us find our confidence in Jesus, who promises greater joy than any temporary struggle or earthly dilemma. May Jesus be glorified in His church today as we seek to love and serve His world in the same manner that He has loved and served us!
Grateful and hopeful in Christ,