The Way of Escape


The Way of Escape (1 Corinthians 10:1-22)

After speaking extensively about the pitfalls of idolatry, the Apostle Paul states, “Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.”  Paul has just referenced the Old Testament Israelites that were laid waste in the wilderness for sinful practices related to their idol making hearts.  And the scariest thing about it is that all of this idolatry was done in the direct face of God’s glorious presence and provision among those dear people.  Paul is warning his “beloved” in Corinth to take that Old Testament example very seriously and flee from their own 1st century idolatry.  They had heard the message of the gospel and believed, but continued to wrestle with following Jesus or their own selfish ambitions.

Does any of this feel familiar? How serious do you take your sin?  How serious do you take Christ Jesus as your rescue and source of life? Sin is the most dangerous thing in the world because it convinces us that we don’t need God.  And choosing sin has destructive consequences.  Jesus wants to save us from our sin and daily free us to live in His will.

As a kid, I used to try walking the length of the swimming pool from one end to the other starting in the shallow end.  Everything went smoothly until I started to slope into the deep end of the pool.  At that point, I would begin floating up and flailing about trying to stay grounded on the bottom of the pool.  I’ve tried the same thing at the beach and it was impossible for me because I was no match for the force of the water and waves.  Sin is a force that we cannot overcome on our own power. Sin deceives us to think we have everything under our control when it’s more like trying to do that pool trick in the deepest and most violent part of the ocean in the midst of a storm while being completely unaware of the danger surrounding us.  Sin will leave us flailing about out of control in a destructive mode that we can’t even see for ourselves.

The hope that Paul offers to the Christians in Corinth is still for us today as he reminds in verse 13 that “God is faithful”.  And that while temptation is common to every human being, God “will provide the way of escape, that you would be able to endure it”  without falling into sin.  Jesus tells us in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” And in John 14:6, He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.”  As Christians, Jesus is not only our Savior but also our Standing before God.  To think any other way is to believe that we stand on our own and that is the start of making idols of ourselves.

How seriously you take your sin will likely determine how seriously you consider your need for a Savior.  In Christ, as our Rock, we have the way of escape and a secure foundation.

May we fix our eyes on Jesus today and trust Him for everything because He is the rock of our salvation and source for living.  May we find our way in Him alone.  Let us pray for one another to find our ultimate security in Jesus as THE Rock & Rescue.

Grateful and hopeful in Christ,
