Discussion Questions: Hebrews 6:4-12

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Hebrews 6:4-12
Make Your Hope Sure

1.     Have you ever purchased an imitation of the genuine item? It may have had all the external markings of the original but you knew that it was not genuine. Would you be willing to share your experience with purchasing such an item? Hebrews 6 verses 4-6 describe some characteristics that could be experienced but not reflect genuine faith. What were these?

2.     Can you think of someone who was close to Jesus, who experienced His earthly ministry but did not believe in Jesus? Is it possible today for someone to display the outward signs of a relationship with Christ but not be a genuine believer? What characteristics might this person display?

3.     The writer states that it is impossible for someone who falls away after having experienced such a strong witness (as described in verses 4-6) to be moved again to repentance. How does that statement make you feel? Could it be possible that a person reaches a point in time when their hearts become so hardened that it is no longer possible to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit? How would such a person be crucifying Christ again and subjecting Him to public disgrace?

4.     In verse 7, the writer uses a farming illustration describing two plots of land that receive the same rain and yet one plot produces a useful crop and another produces thorns and thistles. What do you think is the difference between the two plots? Do you recall a time when Jesus used a similar illustration? What were the differences in the plots of land in this story?

5.     In verse 10, the writer describes some characteristics of his listeners. What were these? Continuing with the farming theme, what evidence of true faith should a believer be producing?

6.     In verses 11-13, the writer references three characteristics that should be practiced so that they inherit what has been promised. What are these? Would you consider these a condition of the promise or a reflection of the hope in the promise? Why? What does the phrase, work out your salvation mean to you? Who has God sent to work in us?

7.     Can you think of passages within the Bible that provide assurance of salvation?