Happy Five Year Anniversary!


Happy Anniversary!!!

I wrote the below email a few years ago and my feelings haven't changed.  Thank you for all you do and for your partnership in the Gospel!!!

Five years ago today on March 17, 2013 28 people gathered at Gent Funeral Home with a vision and dream that God had put in our hearts.  A feeling that God was going to birth a new church in our community.  A dream that it would be a church that unites people by making much of Jesus.  

In the last five years we have witnessed God work through The Bridge by continually connecting us to His indelible grace.  We have witnessed baby dedications and baptisms.  We have been privileged to send people out on the mission field.  We have seen marriages and families restored.  We have watched God grow and develop leaders that "gossip the Gospel" - good news of great joy for all people.

When I think back over the last four years tears flood my eyes because of gratitude.  Gratitude to God and gratitude to all of you who heard and answered God's call to be a part of something so special.  I count it a privilege and honor to know each one of you and you all have made an indelible mark on my life.  Your friendship and partnership in the Gospel means so much.

And...greater things are still to come!

With love and thanksgiving to God for all of you,
John 3:30