Work to Rest

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Have you ever "worked to rest?"  It sounds strange but it is absolutely necessary in our crazy busy lives. 



The average American works 47 hours per week.  Add to that all of the sports, music, church activities, school functions and we rarely make time to catch our breath.  The US Travel Association Survey reports that 41% of Americans don't take all of their paid time off.  According to the insurance company Allianz Global Assistance 56% of Americans didn't go on vacation (defined as a week off from work traveling at least 100 miles away from home) last year.

So, am I encouraging everyone to "go on vacation?"  In a way, yes, but I'm more interested in why we are so slow to rest from our work.  Why can't I slow down?  Why can't I take a break?  Do I really feel like the world will fall apart if I'm not working?  What does work do for me that makes me keep working?

Pause for 60 seconds.  I're thinking, "I don't have time...I have to get back to work."  Stop.  Breathe.  The dishes won't go anywhere.  The laundry won't move.  That text message can wait.  Ask God right now for the gift of entering in to His rest.  

Peace.  Hope.  Joy.  Love.  Serenity.  Faith.  Strength.  

All of this and more is offered to us when we enter into His rest. 

Don't fail to reach it. (Heb. 4:1) 

Strive to enter it. (Heb. 4:11)

Come to Jesus.  You will find rest for your soul. (Mt. 11:28-30)

See you Sunday,