Community Group Questions: Hebrews 2:1-9

CG Questions: Hebrews 2:1-9

Seeing Jesus

Icebreaker questions

  • Who is someone you like to follow, read, listen, or watch in media?  And explain why they garner your attention.
  • Can you describe a time in your life that you willingly did something humiliating for the good of someone else? Describe what that looked like.

Discussion Questions for VERSES 1-9

1. What do we mean when we talk about the gospel of Jesus?

2. What is the writer contrasting with the gospel of Jesus in verse 2, when he says, “the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution”? 

3. How important is the covenant made through the person and work of Jesus?  Is there a better covenant with God?

4. What kind of validations (vv. 1-4) are given by the writer of Hebrews for us to regard the gospel of Jesus as Christ?

5. What do we know about Jesus? What have we seen of Jesus? (two separate questions/answers may differ)

6. In what way, did we see Jesus as a little lower than the angels?

7. What was the purpose of Jesus coming in this way – living as a man and suffering humiliation as an innocent crucified on a cross?  Why do think Jesus (as God) would do such a thing?

8. In what way does Jesus garner greater glory, honor, and authority after his humiliation?

9. Why is this referred to by the writer of Hebrews as “such a great salvation”?  In what way is this true?

10. What is the ultimate reality about Jesus’ position and authority? Is there any evidence we have for this?

11. How much attention have you given to the gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John?  Why or why not?

12. What importance does the writer of Hebrews place on the accounts of Jesus?  Should that rate them higher for us?

13. In what ways are you familiar with “such a great salvation” as mentioned in this passage? What’s so great about it?

14. What hope do we have of escaping judgment for sin “if we neglect such a great salvation” through Jesus?

15. Have you ever come to view Jesus differently in your life with greater honor and attention?  How so?

16. What “thing/idol” is holding your undivided attention today?  Can you describe how Jesus is better & deserves greater attention in your life?

Prepared 1/12/18 by Jon Davis