Bowing Out Gracefully

During Rembrandt's last year, he painted his renowned painting Simeon In The Temple. The painting differed from Rembrandt's first Simeon painting when the painter was 25 years old, making a name for himself with burgeoning success. His last painting had no pageantry, the glitz and glamor, the panoramic scene with Simeon at the center bathed in light and luxury. Older, wiser, and nearing death, Rembrandt instead paints a more gritty-toned Simeon, frail, weathered, his aged face aglow, with a child-like awe-struck gaze as he held the Christ child in his arms with open hands. The new met the old at the intersection of life. It is a painting showing incomprehensible joy and, above all else, humility. Simeon's years-long wait was over, and a Holy Spirit promise was fulfilled before he died. The Savior of Israel and the world arrived.

In his Gospel, Luke details in 2:25-35 Simeon's Spirit-led encounter with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus as they came to the temple. The Holy Spirit was with Simeon and revealed to him before the birth happened that Simeon would see Jesus Christ before his death. Simeon's patience was rewarded, holding the mystery of God Incarnate in his arms — the beauty of the Divine and earth within this baby. In verse 29, Simeon states, "now," which indicates the long-awaited Messiah had arrived with mercy for all mankind that lies within the heart of this child.

Holding Jesus, Simeon proclaims praise now traditionally known as Nunc Dimittis ("now dismiss"), where he speaks of Jesus as the source of salvation, a light to the Gentiles, and a source of glory for Israel. It's a prophetic praise of the Lord's redemptive purpose and salvation for all people. We were bought with a price for our sins through the life and death of Jesus Christ, who breaks sin and death for all.

Advent is a season of joy, chorals, get-togethers, and the lighting of candles, but not discussed often is Simeon's warning to Mary "A sword will pierce through your own soul” (v.35). It was a warning that Jesus would cause polarization and conflict with people and the world. And in doing so, during His ministry, Jesus will also reveal a person's state of their heart. Mary will become the suffering mother as Jesus dies before her on the cross in the great exchange of His life for our sins and salvation. It's the last words recorded from Simeon. We know nothing about his life or death after this encounter when he said God was letting him depart in peace.

I do not know who wrote the following, but along with Rembrandt's capturing of the child-like wonder and hope Simeon possessed and Luke's account of Simeon’s encounter, it nicely sums up a faith and life lesson:

Simeon’s words are a promise to all whomever yield to the temptation to wrestle their destiny out of the hands of the sovereign and merciful God. I, like Simeon, will come to the end of life with pride behind me, love around me, and hope ahead of me. That is bowing out gracefully.

Merry Christmas!

Dan Nickel

Oh, come all ye faithful, joyful, and triumphant. Oh, come ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem!

I recently gathered with a group of about 60 women, all dear to one another, to fellowship over dinner, worship and hear the story of Jesus' birth. What I wasn’t prepared for was how much I needed this time with my sisters in Christ. Even more so, I needed to hear the birth story, told by a teacher with a vast understanding of Biblical culture, so much so, it was as if a time machine took us all back to Bethlehem, to see the birth of Jesus.

When I think of the Christmas nativity and Jesus’ birth story, I always interpret it as sad and lonely. Two people traveling alone, one pregnant on a donkey, through the desert at night. Finally, they reached a town and went door to door, with no one letting them in for no one had room for a woman who was about to have a baby! What kind of town is this? Forcing her, with no other option, to give birth in a barn surrounded by animals.  

Yet what I learned as we traveled back to ancient days, to a foreign country, is that Mary and Joseph were not alone, but traveling in a caravan of 200 or more people on their way back to their hometown where everyone had to register for the Roman census in their home provenance. When they arrived in Bethlehem, the two-room homes were all full. However, each home had a cave cut out, where they would keep their flocks at night. 

During the reunion of visitors, they moved the flocks outside so there would be room for all the family members. There in the manger, in the basement of their family’s home, Mary gave birth to Jesus with Joseph by her side, not alone, but surrounded by family- and more of their family than they would have been around had they been anywhere else. Can you picture all the aunties and uncles, cousins, and distant relatives side by side celebrating the birth of Jesus?

This birth story sounds more like God’s character. For God created family. God created a God-sized family as we are all adopted in Christ! God does not desire anyone to be left out of the celebrations and joy He has prepared for us. For on that night, even shepherds in the fields were invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

In Luke 2, shepherds were in the fields nearby tending their flocks. Now there is some debate on who these shepherds are. Some say due to season they may be shepherds who were preparing the flocks for the Temple in Migdal Eder, but they also could have been those who had moved the sheep out of the mangers so that there was room for the many travelers back to Bethlehem. We may never know exactly who the shepherds are, but, we do know, an Angel of the Lord delivered them a message. 

God does not leave out anyone! Shepherds were considered unclean and not allowed in the Temple, yet an Angel visited them.

God’s character is revealed- He invites the unclean to be clean. No one is forgotten by God! Not only that, but the Angel tells them that this is their sign, that a baby will be wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. God gives them the play-by-play to the gamebook! Faithfully the shepherds run to Bethlehem to see the newborn baby just as the Angel had described.

When I arrived at dinner, my heart was heavy. Faithful women around me stood to worship and began to sing, encouraging my soul. I listened to the voices praising God around me and as we sang "Oh come all ye faithful", I stopped, took it all in and saw God’s faithful.

As the world buzzes around us, may we continue to be God’s faithful and may our hearts be joyful and triumphant with the knowing that Jesus is our savior!

Love you my dear Church family!

Nikki Fiedler

Mission Impossible

How do you respond when God asks you to do something totally outside your comfort zone?  Do you run away like Jonah did when God asked him to go to Nineveh? Or maybe you’re like Peter, who, while attempting to walk on water, started to see all the potential problems and lost his faith that the Lord would provide.  Or do you have the “May it be” courage of Mary, mother of Jesus?   

What does it take to have her “May it be” courage?  Was Mary some kind of superstar teenager who possessed special abilities?  No.  By worldly standards, Mary was hardly the ideal candidate to be the mother of Jesus. She was an ordinary, young, unmarried girl with no experience in bearing or rearing a child.  We do know that she had a relationship with God (“O favored one, the Lord is with you!” [Luke 1:29 ESV]) and knew him as her Savior (“and my spirit rejoices in God, my savior.” [Luke 1:47 ESV]).  If we want to have “May it be” courage we must know the One who provides it.

When Gabriel told Mary about her mission, she didn’t run, she didn’t start thinking about what people would think, she didn’t worry about the gossip and the unkind things people would whisper as she passed.  She merely wondered how the process would work. Once Gabriel explained, Mary was quick to accept her mission.  “And Mary said, Behold I am the servant of the Lord, let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38 ESV).  Are you quick to follow the Lord in humble obedience?  Because Mary had a relationship with God, knew his Word and the things he had done for His people (Luke 1:50,53,55 ESV), she could trust that God would take care of all the details.  She was willing and available to be His servant.  Are you?

A courageous faith is not always comfortable.  Jesus didn’t say if you want to follow me, pick up a feather.  He said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross …” (Matthew 16:24 ESV).  A cross is not easy to carry, it’s heavy and burdensome.  If we are to have Mary’s “May it be” courage to carry our cross and answer "Yes!" when He calls us to do the impossible mission we must remember it’s not our skills God is after, but our love, devotion, a humble obedience, and a willingness to serve Him.  

Brenda Wooff

A Hope Delayed

How long do you pray for something you desperately want? As seasons fade into years, and prayers remain unanswered, what then? Does your faith waver as your prayers wane? Is this how hope filled hearts become bitter?

I’ve prayed earnestly and for so very long for things my heart aches for; desires I believe are in accordance with God’s will, and yet the Lord does not answer me. The trite response, I suppose, is to tell myself that anything God does not say yes to, He must be answering with a no or not now. This, my friends, is no consolation to me. Because it certainly feels as though more of my prayers have been ignored than answered. Do I just not know how to pray?

Zechariah’s story doesn’t get much airtime apart from the Christmas season, and he’s most often remembered for being rendered mute by disbelief that the Lord was giving him a son. As we look more closely at his life, recorded in Luke 1, we read he was a priest, and both he and his wife were righteous in God’s sight, living without blame according to all the commands and requirements of the Lord. Surely, if anyone’s prayers were to be heard and answered, it would be theirs!

Except, they weren’t.

Zechariah and Elizabeth had no children because she could not conceive, and they were well along in years.

“Hope delayed makes the heart sick…”

Zechariah continued to serve the Lord as a priest, and I wonder if by the time we meet him, his dream of being a parent had shriveled to a tiny shred of faith. Did he wonder if the God who Sees had seen him? By the casting of lots, Zechariah was chosen to enter the sanctuary of the Lord and burn incense. Before the altar, in the most holy place, a priest could perform this duty just once in a lifetime. It’s here, in this sacred space, that Zechariah’s prayer is answered. “Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son, and you will name him John.” John- the Lord is gracious.

Sometimes I think the answer to my prayer should be my request fulfilled. But what if the thing I’m really seeking is God himself? What if in my praying, my yearning, my tears, and beseeching, He never gives me what I ask Him for, but He gives me more of Himself? What if I see His heart and nature more clearly, when He leaves my hands empty? Is it worth it?

“Hope delayed makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Our greatest desire, and deepest longing has already been fulfilled in Jesus. One day, we will have our share in the tree of life and the holy city because of Him.

In the meantime: in the silence, and in the waiting, when you feel unseen, unheard, perhaps even forgotten by the One who sees and knows all, I pray you will not find your faith dependent on answered prayers, but on a faithful God. I’m praying He fills our empty hands and aching hearts with the eternal hope found only in Him.


To the Saints of The Bridge Church

I had the chance to hear Jackie Hill Perry speak last year at The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference and she greeted us with a “How are you doing Saints?” I must say, it took me by surprise to be called a saint. I don’t see myself that way because well, I’m no Mother Theresa, right?

When I think of a saint, I think of Mother Theresa, a Catholic nun and founder of Missionaries of Charity, Nobel laureate, and a woman whose entire life was dedicated to serving the poor and serving God. Her title was Saint Mother Theresa. How can Jackie address me and the audience members as saints? Because the Bible tells us so.

Romans 1:7 “To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Colossians 1:12 “Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.” By the righteousness of Christ, we have been called saints. Not by our good works and not because we were nominated. We are called saints by God when we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, our kinsman-redeemer.

It is important to know what God calls us, for, if we don’t, then we will believe what the enemy calls us. The enemy would have us believe that we are not saints, leaving us to miss where our prayers show up in Revelation chapter 5.

“They were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”

Someone once told me that praying was like a beautiful fragrance to the Lord, and because I think in moving pictures, I imagined beautiful bouquets of flowers popping up in heaven every time we prayed. God hears our prayers, and they are kept in golden bowls. They are kept prayers, not flowers that wilt over time, only to pop up again with the next prayer. All the prayers, prayed for all times, are in these bowls and are incense to the Lord. Our prayers are important!  We are important to God. Don’t let the enemy belittle what Christ has given. We all are saints and God keeps and holds our prayers. 

-Nikki Fiedler


“What comes into your mind when you think about God?” In her book, Holier Than Thou, Jackie Hill Perry writes, “The answer, if not restrained by self-deception, would tell you a lot about yourself. And potentially, how much of yourself is in love with a lie. What we think about God and what we believe about God don’t always resemble, although we’d like them to.” We forget we humans are made in God’s image, and imagine He is instead made in ours. But we are wrong. By nature, God is holy, and of all the attributes of God, this is the one we may be most prone to forget.

In the opening scene of Revelation, John is given a vision of Jesus Christ and told to transcribe letters to seven churches. Now, in chapter four, he sees an open door to heaven before him, and Jesus beckons him to come. Immediately, in the Spirit, John finds himself in the throne room of heaven. Just as when he first saw Jesus, John once again can only use similes to describe his experience. What John sees is not heaven as it one day will be, but heaven as it is. In heaven- yesterday, today and forever- the cherubim surround the throne and never stop saying “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come.”

God’s holiness, is not a single attribute, rather it defines who He is. R.C. Sproul says “The word holy calls attention to all that God is. It reminds us that His love is holy love. His justice is holy justice. His mercy is holy mercy. His knowledge is holy knowledge. His spirit is Holy Spirit.” None of His attributes are stained by self-interest. Because He is holy, we can wholly trust in His goodness, His faithfulness, His Word, and His salvation. Because He is holy, we can wholly depend on Him. Friends, do we wholly trust Him with our lives, our loves, our futures? Is there anyone other than a holy God in whom we could safely trust?

In light of a God who is holy, holy, holy, is it any wonder the angels spend all of eternity ascribing worth to Him? He is worthy! He is so very worthy! May we find refuge in the holiness of God, and worship Him today and always with the whole-hearted devotion He deserves.


I highly recommend reading a book about God’s holiness. You will be changed! My two favorites are The Holiness of God by R.C Sproul and Holier Than Thou by Jackie Hill Perry.

No Spit Take Here

As the King of your heart, Jesus is seriously concerned about you and exemplifies that in all of His effort.

Are you serious about His Kingdom?  Does it show in your effort?

I’ve often repeated the phrase, “Ignorance is bliss.”  I believe we don’t really need to know everything that is going on in the world or it would be too heavy for any one person to handle.  But what about when it comes to our personal lives?  Is it a good thing to be unaware of our true spiritual condition?  One thing is for certain, Jesus knows all and is serious about saving this broken world from itself.

In our text for this week, Jesus gives a stern warning to the church in Laodicea, citing their ignorance saying, “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.”  Those are very direct and seemingly rough words from Jesus unless you go on to hear the rest of what He has to say.  He counsels His church to find their riches, confidence, and power in Him.  Jesus says that he reproves and disciplines those He loves which is a reminder for the church that when He speaks to them it is a serious marker of His great love for them.  And most of all, this message from Jesus announces the most serious invitation you could ever receive to eat and drink and commune with Him!

Our Heavenly Father is serious about our soul care.  He’s given us serious assets through His Spirit, His Word and His people around us.  Without these things in our lives, we can be easily fooled to believe that everything is alright with us when in reality there is chaos brewing in our souls.  Jesus speaks to us out of a deep and loving concern for each one of us.  Will you listen to what He says?  Will you run after Him like He has run after you?

May we be a people who believe that knowing Jesus intimately is serious for our lives and the rest of the world.  May we find Him consistently at the door of our hearts and meet Him in fellowship.  Jesus wants to bestow so much to us and through us as His gospel works in our hearts – may we be a people that are aware of such things and find our greatest bliss in Him!

Grateful and hopeful in Christ,


Encouragement For The Faithful Church

I like to imagine Jesus dictating the letter to the church at Philadelphia to John with a smile on His face.  Unlike many of the other letters we’ve been studying in Revelation, this letter had no condemnation.  Their letter was filled with hope and encouragement because they had remained faithful to God. 

Encouragement can be found in almost every verse of this letter starting with verses 7 and 8 when Jesus, the keeper of the keys explains that only He can open and shut the door.  What door is he referring to?  Is it the door to the Kingdom of God or is it referring to ministry opportunities as referenced in 1 and 2 Corinthians (see 1 Corinthians 16:9, 2 Corinthians 2:12)?  Maybe both?  For the church at Philadelphia knowing they were welcomed into God’s Kingdom even though they were not welcomed at the synagogue had to be a huge encouragement.  For the church of today, perhaps the door relates to ministry opportunities and the encouragement lies in the fact that it’s God who opens the door, it’s God who saves and our part is to remain faithful and steadfast in good times and bad so that everyone can see God’s light shining through us.  This may be the most encouraging piece of this letter for me. A reminder that it’s not about my strength or my abilities or who I know as long as I know the keeper of the keys and remain faithful to Him. 

The encouragement continues in verse 9 when Jesus says, “Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan … bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.” How encouraging must it have been for those persecuted to know they will be vindicated? The people who worked so hard to exclude the church of Philadelphia from every part of society will learn that Jesus loves those who are faithful to His name and Word.  In verse 8 Jesus says he “knows their works”.  He knew they were staying true to Him under difficult and stressful circumstances. What a joy it is to be known and loved!

If Jesus wrote you a letter today would he be smiling? Are you faithful through trials and sorrows?  Are you relying on God’s strength to accomplish what only God can do? My prayer for us today is that we all remain faithful and true to “He who is holy”, that we encourage others as Jesus encourages us and that we utilize prayers and His Word to strengthen, encourage and sustain us while we run the race of life.

Brenda Wooff

Made For This

Have you had one of those life-shifting moments where you realize with a start, “this changes everything”? I was 18, life stretched before me, every ambition possible. Looking back, I’m still unsure why I agreed to go. The whole week was miserable, and the legalistic rules of camp a reminder of why I had decided Christianity wasn’t for me. Yet on the last night, while singing some 90’s praise chorus I’ve long since forgotten, wind blew sparks from the campfire and the Holy Spirit set my heart aflame. In one moment, every plan I had for my life was derailed, for not one of them had involved following Christ.

Growing up I was in church every time the doors were open, and I’d heard Ephesians 2:8-9 quoted so often I knew it by heart. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not of yourself. It is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.” Years later I learned verse ten, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.  For a young (exhausted) stay at home mom of many kids, these words were a balm for my calloused heart. As I changed diapers, read stories, cleaned up messes and did laundry for days, I mourned the dreams I let die when I chose to go where Jesus led. Ephesians 2:10 cleared my vision. God opened my eyes through His Word, to show me that all along, this family, these kids, and the hard, mundane work was what I was called to in that season. While I hadn’t been saved by any good works, I had surely been saved to do them. Even more, this was God’s plan for my life all along. I just didn’t know it when I was 18.

We asked some of the Bridge youth “What thought or feeling or word comes to your mind when you think about the truth of Ephesians 2:10”. Here are some of their responses.

“I think about God knowing all in advance. It makes me feel known.”- Amelia

“It gives me hope knowing God knows the plan and knows what I am going through.” -Everett

“He knows my path and I should trust in him.”- Anna

“God created us for the purpose to exalt his name and follow him, to do as he teaches us to and to spread his name to people unaware, to be fishers of men.”


“This makes me feel like I have a purpose, and that I was made to do something special. I feel at ease knowing that I will do great things, and it has already been planned.”- Lily

“It gives me the feeling of being complete and wanted.”- Brooklyn

“That’s AMAZING!!!”- Sophia

“I feel calm, because everything is planned out.”- Will

“Important”- Fletcher

“It makes me think of an old kind man who makes beautiful pieces from wood by hand. I feel special.” -Ira

“It is comforting to know that even if I have no idea where my life is going, God has good, good plans for me and is working everything out for my good and His glory.” -Hannah

Friends, you are God’s workmanship. His hand is on your life! As we witness the students at The Bridge leading us in worship this Sunday, I pray we will be inspired by their faith and stirred to action. No matter our age, it’s never too early or too late to walk in the good works we were created for and called to.


Words Promised For Those Who Are Victorious

I hear my own voice reading Revelation 3 out loud and I come to the words promised for those who are victorious. “I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life but will acknowledge that name before my Father and His angels.” My heart is filled with such love and tears form in my eyes as I picture a time where Jesus stands before God the Father and says my name. He doesn’t blot me out, or discard me. 

Many times I have been discarded, discounted, pushed aside, picked last, told that I am unlovable, unworthy, I have dirt on my hands and face. But when everyone else passes me by, Jesus calls me, washes me clean, intercedes for me and stands before Almighty God to say that I, Nikki Fiedler, am His. Never could anyone on Earth bestow on me such love, peace and worth.

Yet Satan sings me a lullaby, and at times I drift asleep. Do I really believe what scripture says? Do I actually believe what Jesus has spoken to me? In and out I go, drifting here and there, numb at times to the compassion Christ connects me to. Heavy eyelids, block out God’s glory, His voice sounds distant as I begin to slumber under the desires of my flesh. The enemy composes a melody meant to confuse me, designed to pull me away from my Creator, my Father. 

“Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.” Jesus’s voice compels me to wipe the sleep from my eyes, and take action. Satan has cast his spell, but we must wake from this sound sleep. We’ve been lulled to complacency but Christ tells His church our deeds are unfinished. 

He is coming back like a thief in the night. Will we stay awake, alive in faith and spirit when we are surrounded with the enemy’s lullaby? When Christ returns will he find us faithful, or only as dead men walking? God, give us ears to hear the voice of your Spirit, who calls us to life and records our name in your book where it will never be blotted out. 



I Have a Bone to Pick With You

The Garden Lounge at The Bridge has unofficially become Eddie’s office, which is just across the hall from mine. When he’s in the building, I’ll sometimes hear a sound and when I look up, Eddie is peering in my office window with some kind of look on his face. I’ll motion for him to come in and he will dramatically throw open my door and say “I’ve got a bone to pick with you!” In fact, he does not have a bone to pick with me, but that’s his excuse to meander over and raid my candy dish.

Jesus has a bone to pick with the church at Thyatira and it’s over no trivial matter. This church, whose love and faith, service and perseverance are increasing is tolerating a false prophet- a Jezebel- in their midst. In other words, they are not interfering with or trying to stop her from leading others away from the faithful pursuit of Christ and into “Satan’s so-called deep secrets”.

Sometimes our love for a person can lead us to look the other way and excuse their sin. We tolerate what Jesus died to atone for. But God’s love for His people demands that sin be dealt with.

Church, what are we tolerating that Jesus would not?

Judgement can seem like an unfair thing. “What right do you have to judge me”? “Who made you the judge?” These are retorts quickly made when we feel judged. And it’s true, we are not The Judge. We can never know the fullness of a person’s heart, but there is One who does.

Jesus is the Righteous Judge. He is long suffering and abounding in mercy. He gave the false prophetess at Thyatira time to repent and delayed punishment. The One who searches hearts and minds knew she was not willing to do so, and for the sake of those who were being deceived He began to execute judgement. And amazingly, even that judgement could be stayed by repentance.

A day is coming when judgement will come- finally and fully. Until then, Jesus stands at the door and knocks, waiting to see who will hear His voice and open the door. What Jesus offers us is infinitely better than the Dove chocolates in my candy dish. He gives us Himself- the Morning Star.

Do you hear Him knocking? Church, do we hear Him knocking? Will we heed His knock as a call to repent and beckon others to do the same?

May we hold on faithfully until He comes again!


Fighting Words

The late pastor, Tim Keller, taught about sin and the source idols in our desire for power, control, approval and comfort. By God’s grace, I am learning that any one of these idols can act as a source in my life at any time if I’m searching for God in the wrong places. As I hear and reflect on God’s Word, I am drawn to repentance through Christ Jesus that leads to actual spiritual nourishment and fruit in His Spirit as my heart finds ultimately what it was made for in Christ alone.

The enemy of God’s people, Satan, is so deceptive and can work in such subtle ways that feed into our selfish ambitions. The idols that we gravitate toward can appear wicked (Balaam) or wholesome (Nicolaitans). But either way, anything is an idol if it steals our focus from the only One that is worthy of worship. In this letter, Jesus commends Antipas for his faithful witness. Could it be that Antipas stood against all idols proclaiming Jesus Christ as the only rightful claimant to the soul of the church? One thing is for certain, the victory over evil is accomplished through the Sword that Jesus wields.

Scripture describes the word of God as sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. In this letter, Jesus says He is coming for His enemies with His sword. He’s on a seek and destroy mission to battle against Satan and for the soul of His church. His SWORD which is His WORD slays all idols as it confronts the reality of our heart before God and what it holds most dear. Our heart is the throne room of worship. There is no place for divided authority there. Anything less than God alone will leave us unsatisfied and always wanting for something more. When Jesus Christ assumes His rightful place on the throne of our lives, we will find the very thing we were created for in communion with Him.

As I read this week, a familiar Gaither hymn rang in my ears about “kings and kingdoms will all pass away – but there’s just something about that name.” Jesus Christ has the power over all to restore our broken heart as His rightful throne room. What a privilege to hear Jesus’ voice as His Word fights against evil and for His people!

May we be His people that proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ while abiding in His Word. Let us repent of idolatry so that we can live free to worship Almighty God. Let us hold fast to His great name and find faith to endure until the end of our earthly lives.  And may we hope in the promises of His gracious covenant with His people – reclaimed to the pleasure of His eternal glory by Jesus!

Grateful and hopeful in Christ,


"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. "

There are things in life that are easy to accept; like the law of gravity on Earth. If I drop something it falls downward. There isn’t a time where if I drop something it will float away or fly upward. There is comfort in that. Knowing what will happen every time, I can prepare for it, and even try to catch it before it hits the floor or brace myself for the shatter that follows. Yet even still, gravity can catch me off guard and tumble me to the ground.

All through the Bible there are warnings and talk of suffering. It is much like gravity in that it is a constant and to be expected. Suffering is one of those things that catches us unaware. We know it will come our way but we are never really prepared for impact. Jesus gives the church at Smyrna a gift in His letter to them. There were no rebukes made nor corrective action given. Instead He praised the church for being rich with faith and then gave them both encouragement and insight into what lie ahead.

“Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer.

Be faithful even to the point of death.

He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.”

Jesus gave His beloved church the opportunity to prepare for what was to come, and in doing so offered them comfort in their afflictions: Comfort in knowing that suffering is an inescapable part of life. It happens, and is right now happening all around us. Just like gravity, it is to be expected. Yet they were not alone. Jesus came to tell them He sees them in their suffering, and He will reward their endurance. 

When you experience suffering it is not necessarily because you did something to deserve it. The trials that fell upon the church at Smyrna were not a punishment from God, but were inflicted by the devil. Even now, we experience suffering inflicted by the devil and the law of sin, but be encouraged! We don’t have to be shattered by what we suffer. Jesus sees us, and is with us. The devil, who afflicts us, his time is limited. Don’t look at suffering and get discouraged or lose heart. Turn your eyes to our Savior who sees you, knows your pain and will be with you until the end.  

-Nikki Fiedler

Revelation 2:1-7

Imagine you wrote a letter to your loved one which included a list of 10 things that you needed them to do in order to maintain a healthy and growing relationship with each other. The first item on the list had a big star in the margin to denote the importance over the other 9.  Additionally, you had other people call and text your loved one, reminding them of the importance of the first item on the list.  In the beginning, the number one item was always done, but, over time, and with all the busyness of life, your loved one no longer thought much about doing the number one thing. 

Is this what happened to the church of Ephesus? Did they lose sight of the number one thing on the list, the greatest commandant of all: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37 ESV)? My study bible suggests that the church was busy.  Did the busyness of life lead them to substitute labor for love and ignore spending time in fellowship with Christ?  Did they let indifference and complacency seep into their midst? Did they cease to fight for a heart that had grown cold? 

John’s letter does not tell us why the church of Ephesus abandoned their “first love” but we are given the consequences of such action.  Jesus says in Revelation 2:5b: “I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.” The role of the church has always been to let the light of Jesus shine through to a dark world but, when the works of the church become mechanical and the love of Jesus is not seen in its members, the church fails. Charles Spurgeon writes: “Adhesion to the truth sours into bigotry when the sweetness and light of love to Jesus depart.” Remember, Jesus commended the church for their hard work, perseverance, their intolerance of wickedness and their steadfast adherence to the truth. They were checking off items on the list, but ignoring the most important.

I wonder how the church of Ephesus responded when they read the letter from John?  Did they fall to their knees and ask for forgiveness or did the ice surrounding their heart thicken?  Where’s your heart today?  Are you serving in the church so you can check it off a list or are you serving because your heart is full of love for Jesus?  We will fight over a parking space, a place in line to buy sports or entertainment tickets, or the price of a new shiny car but, are we willing to fight for a wandering heart? Are you willing to struggle against indifference, complacency, and the numbing influence of the world in order to love Jesus and others?  I would like to believe the church of Ephesus fell to their knees and began reciting the Psalms: “Search me, oh God, and know my heart.  Try me and know my thoughts.” (Psalms 139:23).  “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments.” (Psalms 119:10) Will you do the same?

Brenda Wooff

The Jesus We Need

If I asked you to close your eyes and picture Jesus, how would you describe him? Do you see a religious icon? Jesus dying, naked on a cross, or standing revealing his bleeding heart, head encircled with light? Do you see the Jesus of Hollywood? Jesus in anguish as shown in The Passion or the tenderhearted and kind Jesus from The Chosen? Maybe in your mind Jesus looks like you- someone familiar- or maybe he doesn’t. Perhaps you can’t envision Him at all.

The apostle John lived alongside Jesus for three years. He saw Jesus transfigured, crucified and risen, and was there on the day He ascended into heaven. John knew Jesus. Yet exiled on the island of Patmos, it had been sixty some years since John had last seen his Savior and Friend face to face.

While in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, John hears a loud voice behind him. It’s a voice that sounds like a trumpet, one John describes as cascading waters. When he turns around he sees a sight that causes him to fall down like a dead man.

He sees glory unveiled.

He sees the Son of Man, standing among His churches, dressed in priestly garments. Jesus, who established the Church to be a light to the world, now tends to each local church. Just as the priests in the temple made sure the light of the golden lamp stands never burned out, Jesus ensures His light never ceases to radiate throughout the Church.  

The hair of His head white, like wool or snow and His eyes like a fiery flame. Jesus- God eternal, the Ancient of Days. He is pure in holiness, and the righteous judge who sees all. He is omniscient, and able to discern the thoughts of every heart. His feet like bronze, fired in a furnace. He is the One who reigns and His rule can not be diminished or destroyed. With a double edged sword in His mouth, His Word is living and effective. And His face, shining like the sun at full strength, with all the radiance of God’s glory. Of course, John fell at His feet like a dead man. Of course! Who can see God’s glory and live?

But Jesus laid His right hand on John and said “Don’t be afraid.”

“I am the First and the Last,” he said.


I’m the “Living One. I was dead, but look- I am alive forever and ever, and I hold the keys to death and Hades”.

Oh death, now where is your sting?!

This is Jesus- the Cornerstone. In Him and through Him all things hold together. He holds us together- His Church. He is the One who sustains us and gives each of us life and breath. In Him we live and move and have our being.

This Jesus of Revelation. He’s the One we need.

This is Jesus. Let’s behold Him.

And as we behold Him, may we become like Him- full of grace and truth, and filled with His Spirit, showing forth love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control, until we see Him face to face.


Heavenly Minded

“You’re shinin’ your light, and shine it you should, but you’re so heavenly minded you’re no earthly good”- Johnny Cash

My Grandpa liked Johnny Cash but he really loved old hymns.  I can still hear him loudly singing, slightly off-key and missing the high notes; “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.” Most of us have experienced the tension of longing for our forever home with Christ, while experiencing the present reality of life in this broken world. How then, can we be heavenly minded and still of earthly good?

In Revelation, the Apostle John records the vision he was given by God “to show His servants what must soon take place”.  In this vision, Jesus Himself gives John a word for seven of His churches and allows him a glimpse into the throne room of heaven before revealing eschatological (future) events that will transpire. Often considered one of the most challenging books of the Bible to understand, John’s revelation is rich with symbolism and imagery found in apocalyptic literature and should be read with this in mind.*

In the introduction Jesus is described as the one “who loves us and has set us free from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father.” While the Gospels record for us what Jesus was like when he lived on earth; what he said, did, and taught, and how he related to people, Revelation will unveil for us our Savior as He is now; risen, ascended, and reigning supreme over all, now and forevermore. 

From Jesus’ words to the seven churches, we will begin to grasp how intimately he knows them. Over and over, he says it. “I know your works”. “I know your afflictions.” Good or bad, their lives proclaimed a message to Jesus about their hearts. For better or worse, their actions declared a message to the world about their Jesus. 

And so do ours. 

As Pastor Steven will unpack on Sunday, Revelation teaches us how to live with one eye on heaven and one eye on earth. When we are faced with violence in our schools, rising levels of poverty, political division, racism, classism, disease, and suffering, we don’t have to shrink back in fear or turn a blind eye. 

Johnny Cash finished his song with this exhortation: “If you're holding heaven, then spread it around. There's hungry hands reaching up here from the ground.” There are hungry hands and hurting hearts who need hope for this life and the one to come. Because of Jesus and compelled by His love for the world, may we be a church that's so heavenly minded we can’t help but do earthly good!


*For more insight into how to read and interpret Revelation for yourself, check out the following resources.

7 Tips for Understanding Revelation:

Book of Revelation Summary:

Revelation Study Guide Ebook (with an explanation of four eschatological viewpoints):

When You Pass Through the Water

“Mom. Mom. MOM. Why do I have to get back in the boat?!” It was our first float trip, and the parents fielded this question dozens of times. “Because the river changes quickly, and we don’t want anyone to drown”, eventually gave way to “BECAUSE I SAID SO. NOW BACK IN THE BOAT!”

There came a moment where the river was stronger than expected for one of the children and she learned that when Mom or Dad or one of the other adults said it wasn’t safe to swim, they had a good reason. We were always scanning what was ahead and anticipating possible danger because that’s what parents do. We didn’t expect the kids to do this, because they are children, and that’s not their role. They only needed to trust our judgement and quickly obey when we gave them instructions.

Philippians 4:4-8 is full of imperative statements, or commands. “Rejoice in the Lord always.” “Let your graciousness be known to everyone.” “Do not be anxious about anything.” Do you want the peace of God that comes from the God of peace? Paul says “do these things”. But like petulant children, we don’t want to. Instead we question God’s judgement and goodness based on our very limited vantage point.

I didn’t want my kids to be anxious on the river. I love them and wanted them to know I was watching over them. Our Father doesn’t want us to live lives filled with anxiety either. We are His children and He is watching over us with loving care. We can have peace in every circumstance when we trust in His provision, protection and presence, and obey His commands.

When we doubt, when our hearts are anxious as they inevitably will be, we aren’t meant to find a solution on our own or to remain bound up in fear. Instead, remember that you are a child, and go to your Father. In everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, take your requests to your Dad. He may not give us what we want, but He does promise this: “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

The God of peace is with us. May we find peace in Him.


By nature I am a Martha but, because of Jesus I can also be a Mary!

Growing up, each year my family would have a Thanksgiving dinner with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins on my dad’s side of the family. Grandma would prepare the meat, bake the pies, and everyone would bring a side dish. After eating together, it came time to clean up. This was my least favorite time for two reasons. While the women argued over who got to do the dishes like it was some sort of competition, the men got to go outside and play catch or watch TV. I would try to help, since I knew it was my responsibility as a female, but I would never fight to wash dishes! I have seen plates and bowls jerked out of hands and people given the task of “clearing the table” as if it was the bottom of the chore hierarchy. At some point in my teenage years, I was labeled as “the one who never helps”. I didn’t mind. I’d just go on about my business and say, “I’ll be out with the guys, you all have fun.”

It’s no surprise then that the story of Martha and Mary has been one of the hardest for me to understand at times. Now that I am grown and am more like Martha than Mary, I sometimes resent the “Mary” moments. Who will do the work if everyone sits and listens. What about Martha? Doesn’t Jesus see Martha doing all the work? Who will eat if no one prepares the food? I read about Martha and Mary and think of my family’s Thanksgiving Dinners. 

Yet my context is not the same as Martha and Mary’s, sitting in a room with Jesus some 2,000 odd years ago. In Luke 10:38-42, what happens is revolutionary! Jesus is actually giving Mary permission to sit with the men! To learn! To learn what only men were allowed to learn!  He broke a barrier and not only gave permission for a woman to learn but affirmed that it is good for women to learn, and that learning will not be taken away from them. Jesus set women free! 

Today as a Christian woman, I am blessed to walk in freedom given to me by Christ Jesus by his death and by his life and interactions with women. Whenever I get frustrated at the paths that block women today, feel degraded or made to feel lesser than, I remember how Jesus changed the lives of women. He died to set all free, even women. He desires for men and women alike to learn from His word, the Bible and glean all it’s wisdom. What peace we can have in his presence as we learn from our gentle-hearted Savior. I may be a Martha by nature, but because of Jesus, I also have the privilege to be a Mary and for that I am so thankful!

Nikki Fiedler

To learn more about how Jesus changed everything for women, check out the following article:

Pride & Peace

Pride is where the lions hang out. 

In our text this week, the Apostle Peter says there is one who prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Peter is speaking of the enemy of God’s people, the devil, also known as Satan. Satan is the slanderer of God’s people and is a complete liar always feeding into our self-exaltation and false persona.  All of the devil’s claims are empty promises and will end in nothing but despair and destruction.  Satan uses our own pride against us because the enemy knows it is to our disadvantage.  Pride leads us away from God and away from others.  Pride steals, kills and destroys and the devil knows it.  This doesn’t give me one bit of peace.

There is another Lion that confronts us in our pride head on because He also knows it will only steal, kill and destroy us.  This is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ, who fights for our lives and to defend our honor.  He is the living breathing word of God - full of truth and grace.  All of God’s promises for our eternal welfare are yes and amen in Him.  Jesus builds and establishes our relationship with His Father and His church so that it will work to our advantage and so we can know the truth of God from the lies of the enemy.  The Lion of Judah is greater and He is for us.

This is the only thing that gives me lasting peace in the spiritual battle for our souls.
Each of us has a part to play in this spiritual battle.  If we walk in pride, we truly are our own worst enemy.  This text teaches us how to actively fight against pride (self-exaltation):

  • by believing (trusting) in the truth about God’s mighty hand and what He can do for us admitting we are powerless to save ourselves in this spiritual war

  • by calling out to him for help because we trust that He cares for us and has the ability to win over any situation

  • by staying alert and watchful for the schemes of the enemy to appeal to our pride

  • by resisting the allure of pride in remembering we share with others in these war time sufferings thereby doing our part to support them too in this spiritual struggle

  • and by being assured in our hearts and minds that full life and lasting peace are ultimately found in the only One who can secure such things – Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah and Prince of Peace. 

All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus and there is only one King over all. 

As we suffer in this world, may we remember that pride is where lions hang out. 

May we clothe ourselves with Christian love for others since we all share in the struggle. 

And may we live with confidence in Jesus to meet us in our pride with His complete prowess, amazing kindness, and perfect peace because He cares for us.

Grateful & Hopeful in Christ,


Are You Thirsty?

How was worship this past Sunday?  Have you ever found yourself asking that question?  Often times the answer sounds something like this: "It was great - the worship team played my favorite songs, the sermon was inspiring, I was deeply moved."  Or it may sound like: "It was ok."  Or it may sound like: "I didn't know any of the songs and the sermon dragged on way too long."  It is possible that all three of these answers could be given by three different people in the exact same church service.

But what if worship is more than a song or a sermon?  What if worship has more to do with being in awe of God than songs and sermons?  What if worship happens not just on Sunday mornings but every minute of every day?  What if the problem is not "if" we worship, but "who" or "what" we worship?

I have an ever-growing fear that we often settle for less.  C.S. Lewis said nearly 75 years ago, "Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.  We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.  We are far too easily pleased."  (from The Weight of Glory)

What if worship is supposed to be "more?"  What if we settle for the mud puddle when God wants to show us the ocean?

Jesus' most in depth conversation on the topic of worship was with a 5 timed divorced Samaritan woman.  This woman was a "hot mess."  She was probably dysfunctional and toxic.  She was disliked and shunned by her community, but here we see Jesus intentionally pursuing her.  Jesus knew she was a "hot mess" but Jesus also knew she was thirsting for something "more."

What about you?   Are you thirsty for "more?"

Jesus knew the Samaritan woman had drunk from lots of different wells and each one left her soul dry and desperate.  Jesus comes to give her a different drink - one that "will become in her a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14).

Do you have this spring of water welling up to eternal life?  Jesus is continually pursuing each one of us and offering us this living water.  May we be people who drop our water jar of lesser things and embrace "the more" of worshipping the Father in spirit and truth.

See you Sunday,
