Join us for some fun with purpose!
Sunday, September 17th
5-7 PM
The Bridge Church
The Bridge is sending a team of 14 people to Haiti on October 9th to partner with our friends at Healing Haiti for a week. We are so excited to continue serving with orphanages and local Haitian-run ministries during that time, but perhaps most of all, we are excited to continue learning about joy and perseverance from our Haitian brothers and sisters.
This trip, and the supplies we'll purchase to take with us, are a financial investment, but are certainly worthy of our effort and time. Many on the team have been fundraising for some time, but we are still in need of additional resources from our church family.
This is where you come in! Sunday, September 17th, we are hosting a trivia night at The Bridge to raise funds for Healing Haiti and for the team members still in need of financial assistance.
Join us from 5-7 PM for 2 hours of fun trivia mixed with stories and videos from Haiti! Tables are $200 (10 people max.) or individual tickets are $25. There will be t-shirts and jewelry from Haiti for sale, as well as a few snacks available for purchase. Lemonade, tea, and water will be provided. Feel free to bring additional food for your table!
Tickets may be purchased this Sunday at The Bridge or at the door on September 17th. We do ask that you let us know you're coming by filling out the form below.
Questions may be sent to
Please continue to pray for the team, those we'll serve, and for Haiti, who have again been impacted by hurricane season.
Thank you!
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Please RSVP using this form!